valentines day special. <3

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its the day before valentines day on the straw hat ship the going merry. you walked into the kitchen and nami shot up from her seat. "what about (y/n)-chan" she said pointing to you looking at zoro. "no i said it once i'll say again, NO" zoro said sitting on the floor leaning agents the wall with his arms crossed. "what are you talking about." you asked sitting on the floor next to zoro in your shorts and t shirt. (what ever color you want for both).

"we're talking about valentines day being tomorrow and zoro won't pick a valentine" nami complained. "so its not really like you need one" you said. "what not you too." nami said covering her face with her hands. "what the bog deal i've never had a valentine" you said witch you really shouldn't have. "what, oh come on zoro be her valentine already." nami almost yelled to him. "no" he said you guessed again for the who knows how many times. "how many times has she asked you about this." you turned to zoro and he turned to you. "way to many times." h said rolling his eyes and putting his head back where he had it.

"well you guys have allot in common, you guys are perfect for each-other" nami said and you blushed as you and zoro shot forward and yelled the same thing. "WHAT NO" you both yelled and you didn't notice but zoro slightly blushed as well. "see, you even answer in the same way." nami said as you and zoro sat back and he crossed his arms. "i'll be nami-swan's valentine." sanji cooed to her and she ignored him. "i don't see why you guys are so agents it" nami shrugged. "i never said i was agents it i just want valentines day to be like any-other day, plain and simple." you said not saying another word on the matter.

later in the day everyone was doing their normal but you and zoro who where up in the crows nest talking about random stuff until you somehow got back on the subject of valentine's. "so you've never had a valentine before." zoro asked you. "nope not a single one." you said. "i guess i've never had one either i would be training everyday when i was young, so i never really care." zoro said.

"why does nami insist on having a valentine anyways is it just a girl thing." zoro asked you smiling. "if it is i didn't get the memo." you laughed and so did zoro. it started to get later and later. when it was time to head into bed you where tired but you didn't want to get a lecture from nami. "ah~ i want to go to bed but nami will just bug me." you complained. "pretend to be asleep already." he said to you and you just tilted your head to the side. "what and have you carry me down the stairs and put me in bed." you teased. "why not." he asked smirking at you. "ah- why the hell not, lets do it" you smirked back.

you and zoro got down from the crows nest and into the storage room and you where quiet. you let zoro pick you up bridle style and you lean your head on his chest. you closed your eyes and you listen to whats going on around you. you hear zoro knock on the hatch using his foot and nami opened the door. "what" she asked. "she's asleep" he said and you felt him carry you down the stairs and to the bed and he gently set you in and under the covers.

the longer you had your eyes closed the closer to falling asleep for real you where. "listen zoro thanks for taking her down here, but you have to tell her how you feel eventually and tomorrow would be perfect." nami said and you where just about to fall asleep when you heard the sweetest thing. "yeah i know." zoros sweet tone soothed you to sleep as you replayed the sentence in your head.

the next morning you where woken up by nami. "happy valentines day (y/n) "she said. "morning to you too." you said stretching. you walked out and to the kitchen for breakfast and sanji swooned when you came in zoro in the same spot as yesterday and already ate his breakfast. you sat at the table and ate your food that all had hearts on it from sanji one with a note that said kiss the love cook witch you smiled at but ignored otherwise. "morning (y/n)" zoro said when you where done and you sat next to him.

you noticed zoro was acting off today just a little bite he sort of tensed up when you sat next to him on the floor i your usual clothes nothing special. "happy valentines day everyone." nami said coming into the kitchen with robin following not far behind the boys and you greeted them as they came in the boys at the table replied with happy valentines day and you and zoro just said morning again.

"we're having a party tonight for valentines day and everyone must participate or i'll fine you." nami ordered. "will there be booze." zoro asked. "yes zoro there will." nami rolled her eyes. "then i;m fine with it." he said and you agreed. "but theres a catch," nami paused and caught everyones attention. "if you have a crush you have to admit your feelings to them, tonight" nami said and you tossed your head back avoiding being noticed by the redness of your face.

truth was you had a major crush on zoro but you didn't want to tell him out of fear of rejection. now nami wants you to admit it to him tonight. there was no way you where ready for this at all. "i'm not doing that." usopp said. "me either." you said trying to calm your face down. "so you do have a crush on someone (y/n)-chan" nami teased. "I NEVER SAID THAT" you yelled with your head still back and hands now on your face. "but it was implied when you said you weren't going to say it." nami said just confusing everyone but you.

"that doesn't mean i have a crush, when i said that i meant what if you don't have a crush then you don't have to do that, or admit anything." you said your face had calmed down now so you looked at nami. "am i wrong." you asked. "yes because you do have a crush, i know it." nami said smiling at you. "i'm going to the crows nest alone for a little bit." you said getting up and walking out without saying anything else.

when you got up to the crows nest you covered you face in your hands and blushed like mad. "damn it nami, she almost killed me of embarrassment." you said to your self and. "who cares if i've never had a valentine does it matter," you paused. "but i really should tell zoro how i feel." you said to your self. "but i'm too shy to say anything to him about it." you said to yourself again. "how would i even do that, what if he doesn't like me like that." you said thinking of how you would go about that.

"well its obvious i'm not saying anything in front of nami or sanji or anyone else for that matter." you said. "so i'll ask him if we can talk for a minute, then just say it." you decided. "alright now i just have to actually do it and not wimp out on myself." you said with determination. you stayed there for a few more minutes to make sure you weren't blushing then climbed down and met up with zoro who was doing his work out on the back deck.

later in the day the sun had gotten low in the sky not yet dark and not yet sunset. you and the whole crew where having a good time. "hey sanji can i tell you something." luffy said. and everyone turned to the two guys. "sure, what is it luffy." sanji said slightly concerned about what luffy was going to say. "i love," luffy paused and everyones jaw dropped including sanjis. "the way you cook the meat to perfection every time." luffy finished and sanji just died a little and so did everyone else.

"that was scary" usopp commented. "why." luffy asked like his usual innocent self. "never mind that" usopp said. "oh every one it's time to admit your crushes." nami said and you where getting nervous. "i'll meet you in the crows nest." zoro said to you heading up to the crows nest right after you nodded to him and headed up the other side.

when you got up in the crows nest both of you where silent for a minute. "um zoro." yo said breaking the silence between you. "yeah." he asked looking at you. "um well i wanted to say that i-uh, um i" you stumbled and felt your face heat up. "i love you too (y/n)" zoro said and your ace just felt like melting off. "you do" was the only thing that cold escape your mouth. "yeah, i do" he said smiling at you. "thats what you where gunna say right." he asked and you nodded to him.

zoro turned to your face and got really close and you kept blushing. "i love you zoro." you finally said. "i love you too, (y/n)" he said again. he got closer and closer to your face until he kissed your lips and you gladly kissed him back as the sun set behind you making the most beautiful moment you could ever think of.

(the end)

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