Violets and Visits

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TW: Swearing, implications of suicide, derealization, and more unhealthy behavior.


Dream ran up the stairs in a panic. Skeppy, Bad and George were still streaming, but he didn't care. He kicked the door open with his foot and ran back down the stairs shouting.


The boys in the room gave each other a look before Bad joined Dream downstairs, and Skeppy quickly ended stream before meeting up with them. When he rushed down the stairs, he saw Dream panting with a hand on his forehead and the phone to his ear. Bad was rustling through the guest room, trying to see what was taken.

"FUCK!," He shouted, throwing his phone on the couch.

"No answer. He's just gone! Fuck, I shouldn't have left him, I knew this would happen," He scolded himself.

"Wait, what's going on?" Skeppy asked as he reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Karl's gone. I- I fell asleep, and when I woke up he was just gone, and his car is gone. I thought I was getting somewhere, I-," He was beginning to spiral, and he dropped his head in his hands.

"This is all my fault," Skeppy hurried over to him and grabbed his shoulder.

"It's not, alright? We're gonna find him. Did you try calling him?" Dream nodded, starting to pull himself together. "Okay, Bad and I will check the lake again. You can stay here if he comes back, and keep trying him. Maybe call some other people and ask if they've heard anything. He's gonna be okay," He reassured. He called for Bad, and they set out for the lake.

It was a bit of a drive, but when they got there, there was no sign of him. There was nothing on the bench, no footprints, and the water was completely still. Bad still ran to the edge, tried to look and see if he could find anything.

"M-maybe we're too late?" He asked weakly, and Skeppy shook his head.

"No, he's not stupid. He would leave something. He's not here," Bad got up slowly and they went back to the car. Just before they started to pull away, Bad's phone lit up with a call from Dream. He quickly answered, hoping for news.

"Nick has him, he's okay," Skeppy heard through the phone. The two made eye contact and let out a relieved sigh.

"Oh thank god. Why is he at Nick's? How did he even get there?" Bad asked as he put the phone on speaker.

"I don't know, he didn't tell me much, he just said he had Karl, he was safe, and he would let us know what happens,"

"Alright. We're on our way back, let us know if anything changes," Skeppy said, pulling out of the gravel driveway and turning to head home.


"Dream is really worried about you, you know," Karl stared at Nick with wide eyes. His dark brown eyes shone in the moonlight and the soft warm glow that came from the house.

"H-how," Karl stuttered, still unable to form words. Nick laughed at him, thinking it was funny how surprised he was.

"What are you doing here Jacobs? You scared me on the call yesterday, and now Dream is freaking out and calling me. Wh-" He paused when he saw the large bandages on either side of his arms.

"Jeez, Karl what happened?" Karl just dropped his head and mumbled a quick sorry. He went to turn on the ignition and drive away, but Nick reached a hand through the window and rested it on his shoulder.

"Dude, it's okay, come inside. You've gotta be freezing," It was clear Nick didn't know what happened. He was so chipper and relaxed with Karl, and he didn't know what to say. The tired boy sheepishly got out of the car and followed Nick inside the warm house. He couldn't look at anything but Nick. He didn't believe he was real, he thought his head was playing some kind of cruel trick on him, one that he deserved. Nick noticed how entranced Karl was as he took his hand and guided him to the l-shaped couch on the right side of the door.

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