Chapter 42

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Chapter 23

In my hand I hold a tiny spy camera that's hooked up to the eyes of the bear.

Anger consumes me as I throw it to the floor and stomp on it repeatedly, breaking it into thousands of pieces. That fucking bastards been watching me through and spy camera in my own room.

Grabbing a coat, I leave the house, I don't even know where I'm going, I just need to get out.

I walk for a while when I make it to the outside of a house, I recognise it. Why did I walk here? I turn to leave when a voice calls out.

"Casey?" It sounds as confused as I am, I turn to see Oliver. Tears trickle down my face as I look at him. I practically run to him wrapping my arms around him. He immediately returns the hug. "Do you want to come inside?" He asked in a soft voice. I nod my head and we go inside.


Once inside Oliver takes my hand and pulls me into the living-room, he looks at me with concern. I quickly grip the sleeve of my jacket and wipe my tears away and stop crying.

"Take a seat. Would you like something to drink... or eat? Have you eaten?" He asks me.

"Um, can I have a glass of water please" I say sitting down awkwardly on the sofa.

He gives me a sad smile before leaving, he comes back with a a glass of water and hands it to me.

"Thank you, Oliver" I take a sip as he sits next to me.

After a couple of seconds of awkward silence, he speaks up.

"You okay Cas? To say you've been acting strangely is an understatement, I'm worried about you."

"I know Oliver and I'm sorry for worrying you. I'm fine really."

But I'm not, I'm far from 'fine'.

"Well, I don't believe you." He says as a matter-of-factly. He looks at me for a moment "why are you here?.. Not being rude, I'm happy you're here just, why?" He quickly adds the second bit.

I smile at him "I-I don't really know. I needed air and I went for a walk and just ended up walking here" I look around the room "is your dad not here?" I've never met Oliver's dad before and I don't really want to meet him like this.

Oliver smiles at me "no, he's working late. Cas, are you okay after today?"

"What do you mean?" I know he means the breakdown and panic attack but I don't really want to talk about it.

"The breakdown Cas, are you okay? What happened to cause that?"

"I don't really know Oliver" lie "could've been anything" lie "could've been everything. I was overwhelmed " half-truth. I was overwhelmed, by Mr Kyle. Perverted fuck. He scared me today, getting me to touch his chest like that, feeling him under me. It freaked me out.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He puts his hand on mine "you scared me Cas, you really did. You passed out in my arms as I hugged you. Feeling you go limp like that terrified me" I passed out in Oliver's arms? I didn't know that.

"I'm sorry for scaring you. It was the last thing I ever wanted to do. Thank you for being there for me. I'm okay now" liar.

I move my hand so it's palm up, holding Oliver's. He sits sideways, his other hands thumb wiping away the slightly dried tears under my eyes.

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