Chapter 47

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Oliver's pov

It's been two weeks since they found Cas.

She was meant to be discharged yesterday but she's been refusing to eat.

She hasn't spoken either.

She doesn't sleep. The doctors had to sedate her yesterday. She's still sleeping now.

Her mums really worried. We all are.

Her mum stopped bringing her little brother with her when Casey stopped eating and talking. At first we thought he'd help with her condition, make her see sense and fight with the internal battle going on in her head didn't. It was just upsetting both of them.

The doctors did a pregnancy test for her too... it was negative. Casey didn't even move. She had no reaction.

When she's awake she'll either be catatonic or crying.

When she did sleep on her own, she'd wake up from nightmares.

The stupid nurse turned off the light once, Cas screamed the whole hospital down. But the thing was... she was screaming for him...for 'Damian'. Her doctor managed to calm her down, I hate that I wasn't there.

I've been having counselling every two days. It's helps a little but he makes me go over everything, yes, it's not good to bury it all but to keep reliving it over and over isn't helping.

Sure, I've had nightmares but I find some parts of the day where I don't think about it.

I am okay.

But Casey's not.

I really don't know how to help her.

She told me what he did...I can't hear it. I can't even handle hearing it, but It happened to her.

They've put her on fluids and they say if she doesn't eat today, they'll have to put a tube in. She was already skin and bones when she came in, she's like a skeleton now.

Her mums supposed to be here in two hours. She looks after Casey's brother in the morning and comes in, in the afternoon to see Cas. I've gotten dad to drop me off here in the mornings until her mum gets here. I don't want her to be on her own.

Casey stirs from her sleep "hey munchkin." I smile at her. She looks at me and squeezes my hand which is in hers. She does this every time I see her. I think she's checking I'm really here.

"You feeling hungry?"

No response.

"I think I can bribe the nurses to bring you waffles if you like."


"Or pizza?"


"Cas, please talk to me. Just say anything. Eat anything. Have you seen yourself? This isn't good munchkin. I can't keep seeing you like this" I plead with her on the brink of tears.

She moves. She looks down, down at her herself. Tears form in her eyes. She looks at his carving. She starts scratching it.

"No, Cas stop that! You'll make it worse" I try to grab her hands in mine but she keeps going. "Casey stop!" It's bleeding now and her nails are painted red.

I grab her and pull her into a hug, I don't care if I get covered in blood.

She cries into my chest. I stroke her greasy hair and tell her it's okay.

The last time she showered she made the water boiling hot and ended up with first degree burns on her back. That was a week ago.

I climb on the bed with her. The top of the bed is raised so she was sitting up, I lean against it and place her between my legs on her front with her head on my chest. I hug her tightly.

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