𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦 𝑡𝑤𝑜.

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That punch landed on Theodore was the only progress or satisfaction the Gryffindors had made since the full moon. Which was now a week ago. The blow had gotten out some of Remus's anger, but presently he just felt even more defeated. Because he knew that punch was all he could do. And that small piece of revenge was nothing compared to what Theodore deserved.

"We haven't gotten anything figured out or helped Hol," Lily grumbled as she sat down heavily next to James on the cushy orange sofa by the fire in their common room. "At all."

Remus coughed a bit to hide his dubious expression, and Lily gave him an odd look.

"Yea, sorry, you're right," he said to Lily, wiping anything suspicious from his face. 

"Talking about it isn't going to change that," said Sirius with an exasperated tone, standing up from the soft chair he had been sitting in and starting to pace by the fire. 

"Well, then what is?" Marlene asked, placing a comforting hand on Sirius's shoulder. 

To everyone's surprise, Peter spoke up.

"I really think that Regulus could help," he said in a timid voice. 

The blonde boy wasn't used to directly contradicting James's opinions, and it felt against his instincts. To support this unease, the hazel eyed boy turned to look at Peter with confusion. If there was anything the Potter could count on, it was that Pettigrew would always back him up.

"What?" James asked with irritation towards the short boy. "I thought you would back me up on how much of a no that is, Wormtail."

Lily frowned slightly at James's tone, not happy with the way he was treating Peter.

"He just has a different opinion than you," she said, and James looked down at the carpet from his chair. "And one that I agree with, I might add."

A stream of silvery, light gray smoker rose from Sirius's mouth before he dramatically crushed the smoldering tip into a gold coated ashtray on the mahogany table next to him.

"No," the Black boy said firmly, shaking his head.

"I agree," Remus added on, leaning forward to rest his forearms on his thighs. "No way in hell."

James turned apologetically to Lily with a sheepish shrug.

"Sorry, love, but they're right on this one," he said to the redhead. "If Regulus helps, it's not going to turn out well."

This comment made Marlene agree with Lily and Peter.

"And whose fault would that be?" Marlene asked briskly, looking mostly at Sirius. "You're the ones who always argue with him, just don't."

"Merlin, I hadn't thought of that!" Sirius said sarcastically. "Just don't, what lovely advice!"

Things were starting to get heated between the two sides the six Gryffindors had split into.

"Just because you dislike him doesn't mean that he isn't smart," stated Lily. "Don't mix those two things up here based on your tempers."

Taking a deep breath, Remus tried to present his side as calmly as possible to prove Lily wrong.

"He's been straight up cruel to her," the green eyed boy said to Lily, Marlene, and Peter. "We can't just ignore that."

Peter rubbed his fading blue eyes with the back of his wand in exasperation.

"And we haven't?"

James, Sirius, and Remus all stiffened at Peter's surprising words. 


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