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Lily pov

Me and James was sitting in the the three broomsticks. We were covered in snow but I didn't care. I knew sirius was watching us but I was ignoring him. I was on my 2nd butter beer and James was on his 5th.

I was looking outside the winfow at the snow. There was children having snowball fights and making snowmen. 30 minutes later we left and went to zonkos.

After we paid for our stuff we went and had a walk in the snow. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the snow. I didn't know why it took me so long to agree to go on a date with him.

Regulus pov

I decided not to go to hogsmeade because there was to much snow and I didn't want to see James and lily together. I was sitting in my room doing home work (he should be doing James😏).

The snow was getting worse as the day got on. I wouldn't be surprised if hagrid had to carry them back because they were in ice.

There was a knock on the door. I ignored it but the person kept on knocking. Just then I knew who it was. Sirius.

"come in" I said knowing I will regret it

Sirius opened the door.

"Hello brother" he said

"what so you want" I asked

"what happened to hi" he said

"just shut up and tell me what you want" I told him

"nothing I just came to say hi anyway bye bitch" he said before leaving.

I carried on with my work annoyed at sirius.

Sirius pov

I was sat on my bed eating chicken and thinking about what would happen if you jumped of the astronomy tower ten times when marlene walked in.

"hi" Marlene said

"go away" I replied

"no" she answered back

She sat on my bed. My bed. I was all ready annoyed at her for sitting on my bed but then she stole my chicken.

"what you doing" she asked me

"planning your death" I replied

She slapped ma beautiful face so I pushed her on the floor.


354 words

I have no clue why I put sirius pov in there but I hoped you enjoyed it. Have a wonderful day and stay safe. Thank you for all the views I know there isn't a lot but I started this thinking it would get 0 views.

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