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Heather walked through the corridor under the cloak as she listened to Hermione and Ron. "Will you two be quiet." She tells them. Heather smiled as she reached the door and pulled out her wand. "Alohomora."

The door unlocked as they walked in. "Wait a minute...he's...sleeping." Ron said as the cloaca was blown off them.

"Snape's done been through here." Heather said. "His put a spell on the harp."

"It's got horrible breath." Ron complained.

Heather looked at him and smiled. "You're going to help me move his paw."


"Come on!" She tells him as she started to move the paw. Ron sighed as he started to help Heather push. Once the paw was off the door, Heather looked at them. "I'll go first and you two follow after..." she noticed the quietness. "Why is it quiet?"

"The harp stopped playing." Hermione replies.

"Ugh." Ron said as Heather looked at him to see Fluffy awake.

"Jump!" She said as they each went through the trap door.
They landed in vines causing Heather to sigh in relief till the vines start to wrap around them. "Ahh." Heather screamed as she had know idea what she was in.

"Stop moving, both of you. This is Devil's Snare. You have to relax. If you don't, it will only kill you faster."

Heather nodded as she watched Hermione disappear than her. "Heather! Hermione!"

"Ron! Stop screaming and moving and relax." Heather tells him, but he kept screaming. "Come on I saw something that will help..."

"Lumus Solem!"

Heather looked at Hermione, but didn't say a word as her mind was in a panic for her other friend. The two watched Ron fall and land in front of them. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Good thing we didn't panic."

Heather gave him a look. They heard a sound making them turn to see what they heard. "What was that?"

"I don't know." She tells her friend. "Sounds like...wings?"

They walked into a room full of wings and keys. "Curious that I've never seen birds like this."

"These aren't birds." Heather says. "Their keys." She started to look around the room. "One of these have to fit that door."

"What's this all about?"

"I don't know, but it's strange." Heather said as she was trying to understand the broom and the keys. She was trying to put the puzzle together till she heard Ron. "I see it." She tells them. "It's the key with the broken wing." She said as she walked to the broom.

"What's wrong, Heather?"

"It's to easy." Heather replies.

"Oh, go on, Heather! If Snape can catch it on that old broomstick, you can! You're the youngest seeker in a century." Ron tells her.

Heather nodded as she grabbed the broom. Once she did, she noticed all the keys going toward her. She quickly got on the broom and grabbed the one with the broken wing. "Catch the key!" She said.

Hermione caught the key and went to unlock the door. Heather got the keys from her friends and saw the door open. She got off the broom and ran into the next room. They pushed the door closed causing her to smile.
They entered a dark room causing them to wonder where they were at. "I don't like this. I don't like this at all."

"This place is creepy." Heather says. "Where are we? A graveyard."

"It's not a graveyard." Ron said as he sighs. "It's a chessboard."

Heather watched as he walked up to the chessboard to see flames lighting the room up. She walked up there with Hermione. "I see a door." Heather said. "Now what do we do?"

"Isn't it obvious. We have to play our way across the room." Ron tells them. "Heather, you take the Bishop's square. Hermione, you'll be the Queen's side castle. As for me, I'll be a knight."

The two went to the pieces. "What do we do now?" Hermione asked.

"Well, white moves first, and then...we play." Ron tells her.

Heather noticed Ron studying the board. "Ron, you don't suppose this is going to be like...real wizard's chess, do you?" Hermione asked.

"You there! D-5!" Ron said. A black pawn moves forward, diagonal to the white pawn. The white pawn raises its swords and smashes the black one. The three jump. "Yes, Hermione, I think this is going to be exactly like wizard's chess!"

Heather nodded as the game continued. She was studying the game as Ron called out each move. "Wait a minute." She said as she saw the queen turn.

"You understand right, Heather. Once I make my move, the Queen will take me...then you'll be free to check the King."

"No, Ron." Heather tells him.

"No, what?" Hermione asked confused.

"Ron's going to sacrifice himself."

"No, Ron, you can't!" Ron closes his eyes. "There must be another way!" Hermione tells him.

"Do you want to stop Snape or not? Heather, it's you that has to go on. I know it. Not me, not Hermione, you."

"Okay." Heather said.

" H-3."

Ron's horse moves forward, slides and stops. "Check." The Queen turns and advances. Ron breathes faster, clutching the steel reins. The Queen stops. SMASH! Ron goes flying off the horse and lands on the floor, unconscious.

"No!" Heather screamed out. "Don't move, Hermione, we're still playing." Hermione nods. Heather's piece got in front of the king making her smile. "Checkmate." She says as the king sword falls to the ground in defeat. The two ran over to Ron to see how he was doing, but Heather knew she had to leave. "Take care of Ron. Then, go to the owlery. Send a message to Dumbledore. Ron's right...I have to go on."

"You'll be okay, Heather. You're a great witch, you really are."

"So are you, Hermione." Heather said as she ran towards the door. With one last look, she saw Hermione smile at her. She was ready to end this.

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