Anniversary party (part 2)

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Zhan's  pov

Today i didn't wanted to come to this party.. But my parents one type of dragged me here.. I never liked this family since young..Except Yibo and Yu, I wasn't familiar with anyone from the Wangs.. Though I've attended many meetings and other deals with Wangs but except professional life, I know nothing about them..I don't know how come my parents became friends with them..Specially my dad..

I was looking around the party..Though there were few of my friends present but still I was missing Yu..I know that she won't attend today's party..There were girls from different business families..But none of them could be compared to my Yu..They only have artificial beauty...But my Yu is a cutie with brain..How lucky I'm to fall in love with her!!

Suddenly my eyes fell on a girl who was entering the hall..It was YU...OH MY GOD..WHY IS SHE HERE?? It's not like I was unhappy to see her..

I went to her and tried to talk to her but she wasn't responding properly..She was looking really gorgeous..But she was skinnier than before..All of a sudden her aunt Xu came..How could she behave like that towards her?? She is her aunt.. Though Yibo, me and Yuri tried our best to stop her from leaving the party but deep inside I knew it was best for her to leave.. When she was about to leave her parents came..I thought maybe they won't treat her like aunt Xu..But I was proven wrong..Are they even her real parents!!!

She was finally leaving..I was ready to head out after her cz she won't allow me to leave with her and make a scene..Even if I made one, no one dares to provoke me, CEO of the Sean industries..Yes, though the Xiao industries was my father's but I wanted to start something by myself..That's why I started this company 3 years ago..Although we are new in this line but still got the number 1 position in the current business list..

Yu stopped suddenly..May be she had heard the things her aunt said when she was leaving..I really wanted to punch this lady's mouth..How can she be like this!!!

Yu turned to our direction..Her eyes...Those changed..There was guilty before but now it was sadness..

"Why spraying just some holy water?? Why don't you spray some salt too..Maybe the amount of bad luck I brought with myself, may reduce a bit.." she said with a sad smile..I don't know why my heart started aching  watching her in this state..

I rushed to her and hold her hand..

"Let's go out of here,okay princess..."I said softly..
"No..Zhanzhan.. I've many things to say today.. I never felt this much urge of talking before..Plz..Let me speak..I promise after this I'll leave.."I have never heard this voice of her before..

She turned back to her parents..

"Why didn't you kill me before??"

Everyone was silent..It was like someone casted silence spell on them...

"I was young and weak..You could've killed me by snapping..That way this jinx wouldn't come in front of you again and again..."

"What the hell are you talking about??" Mrs. Xu shouted..Mr. and mrs. Wang were freezed..

"I'm afraid of darkness, you know?? But the dungeon was dark where you used to send me even if I did nothing.. Was I or am I  an orphan?? If I wasn't then what was the reason to send me to orphanage when I was only 7..bcz I was a threat for Yibo's health..Why would I hurt him?? He is my brother..How can I hurt my own older brother?? That day, did you even knew what really happened?? Have you ever asked any of us?? Let it go..You guys asked me to stop singing..why?? I should focus on my studies and become a cardiac surgeon..Do you even know I'm afraid of blood?? I can't breathe properly when I see blood..I had to take medication three times extra than a normal patient.. When I said I can maintain my passion and profession at the same time what did you guys did?? You guys killed my By my own hands.. If I was that much hated by you all, then why didn't you guys just kill me the moment you saw me.."

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