#1 the transformation

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The team 7 is in the hokages office getting a mission lets see their perspective

*naruto's pov*
"Baa-chan cmon give us an A rank or B rank mission"

*3rd person pov*
Naruto is punched by tsunade and passes out

*sasuke pov*

"naruto baka respect lady tsunade
Chaa! " says the pink haired banshee "i think they are ready for an A rank mission lady hokage"
Says the silver haired cylops "ok, then your mission is to protect and escort a priestess to wave"
And then walks in a priestess
"I hope you protect me woth my life" says the priestess
Meanwhile naruto wakes up from the land of knocked out people
"Baachan i thank you -ttebayo" tsunade just ignores naruto and kakashi says "ok team 7 meet me at 7:00 am dont be late" than everyone shunshins to their homes
And sleep

*the next day 7:00*
We see naruto sleeping and he wil wake up in 3 2 1 "oh my god im late
!" Says naruto. Naruto gets ready packs everything into an scroll (in my story naruto knows fuinjutsu)
So the blonde shunshins to konoha's gate.

*sakura's pov*
"Naruto baka you are late!" Screams the banshee and then returns to fangirling "is'nt that right sasuke-kun" "hn" says sasuke
"Kakashi is not here so technically im not late" "oh im here i just arrived now" says kakashi "yeah yeah, lets protect the priestess!"
Then they leave for wave

*1 hour later*
They come across after an enemy
"uzuki kotetsu s rank nuke nin
Because of gekkei kenkai" says kakashi "well i am hinored that kakashi no sharingan an ss class nin knows my name but give me that priestess and walk away"
Naruto speaks "no way" while kakashi signs sasuke to suprise attack kotetsu sasuke uses chidori stream to attack the guy but kotetsu already knew that this was coming so kotetsu used his kekkei genkai ninja art: gender changimg jutsu ! Shouts kotetsu while kakashi disspels his genjutsu on naruto. Naruto shouts "kakabaka"
Then naruto notices the smoke and dispells the smoke and there was a 16 year old raven head girl with the right curves naruto ignores her body and naruto knows thats sasuke and kotetsu dissapears roght when naruto throws a kunai at him. Naruto picks up sasuke and thay go to wave and escort the priestess safely, where they go to an tailor and the find an uzumaki tailor so the tailor makes an dress
When sasuke wakes up she asks where am i and why does my chest feel heavy, Naruto says "sasuke you turned into an girl and i saved you"
While sakura was shocked that her "sasuke-kun" was a girl naruto tells sasuke to wear the kimono sasuke wears it and naruto blushes a bit trying to hide his face. After 15 minutes of sasuke thinks abiut how he will rebuilt his cpan so he starts crying because hes a girl and diesnt want to be someones bitch
Then the tailor comes and says i want to see sasuke i want to check   the kimono if ita ok or not sasuke gos with him and he takes her to the forest and the next thing sasuke knew was the man was groping sasukes chest and sasuke was calling for help "hel- mmm"
Agin and again. After like 9 seconds of shouting the man was dead on the ground you could see naruto with a bloody kunai naruto starts saying "the villagers were right i am a moster" and that time sasuke hugs naruto and says "no naruto you are not an monster yiu saved me " and sasuke asks "why did you save me before and now"
Naruto says "because we are bestfriends and you looked so beatiful that i coulnd stop my self from saving you sasuke meanwhile was blushing suprise the last uchiha man turned into girl has a small crush on naruto.They got back to kakashi and left for konoha
Sasuke had to be carried because she was weak now (not because shes  a girl now its because the muscle changed and nows shed slim) so naruto pickups sasuke bridal style and sasuke blushes mean while kakashi notices this and thinks icha icha:the bestfriend love in real life i am so happy. Sasuke wss feeling safe in narutos arms and contsanly blushin naruto didnt notice it.

*konoha gates*
Izumo and kotestu saw team 7 without sasuke and with a girl sasukes arms. Thsy asked who was it and naruto spoke we need to talk to baa chan its urgent they went to the hokages office

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2021 ⏰

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