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"He did what?!" Sua and Chenle exclaimed. It was 4 in the afternoon and the four friends were all sitting in Minju's bedroom. Minju nodded her head in response while running her fingers through her hair.

Chenle and Sua continued to ramble in absolute rage, but Minju blocked them out, not wanting to be reminded of the happenings of earlier the day. Jisung met Minju's tired eyes and sent her an apologetic smile. She tried her best to reciprocate, but ultimately couldn't find it in herself to smile back.

"Min..." The girl snapped out of her daze and turned in the direction of her best friend. "You okay?" Chenle quietly asked.

Minju hummed, once again just nodding her head in response. Sua and Chenle shared a knowing look and at once the pair got up, starting to collect their things. Sua gave Jisung a nudge, signaling him to follow them.

"We'll see you tomorrow, Min." Chenle spoke, making his way to her bedroom door.

Sua and Jisung gave the heartbroken girl a hug before greeting her and following Chenle out the door. On their way out, they were met with Jaemin. "Is it safe to go in?" He asked them.

"I don't know. I guess, she probably just needs someone other than us, right now." Sua responded.

"I think she's really upset, but she's not showing it." Jisung said. A loud crash was heard and the four teenagers snapped their heads towards Minju's bedroom.

Chenle, Jisung and Sua were about to rush to the room, but Jaemin quickly stopped them. "Maybe it's best you guys go. I'll take care of her."

They nodded their heads and continued their way out of the house. When Jaemin heard the front door close, he took a deep breath and carefully knocked on the bedroom door.

When no one answered, Jaemin turned the knob and took a look into the bedroom. Minju was sat on the floor, picking up the broken pieces of her lamp while quiet sobs escaped her mouth. Jaemin rushed over to her, grabbing her hand before she could cut herself.

"I-It was an accident..." The girl quietly said, looking up to her brother. Her red, glossy eyes met Jaemin's warm ones and at that moment he felt his heart break. She reminded him of a little kid and all he wanted to do was protect her from everything and everyone. He pulled her into a hug, carefully helping her up.

He sat her down on her bed, before picking up the shattered lamp. He worked in silence, as no one spoke. He walked out the bedroom to throw away the broken pieces, when he returned Minju was staring ahead of herself, eyes glued to the wall opposite her.

"I feel pathetic." She simply stated, chuckling dryly. Not wanting to interrupt her, Jaemin took a seat next to her and waited for her to continue. "I can't believe I'm acting like this. It's not like we were serious or anything."

"Still... It hurt so badly, and I don't think I will ever understand why. Is it supposed to hurt this much?" She finally broke the staring contest she had with the wall and turned to face Jaemin.

"It was your first relationship. Sure, it hurts right now, but in a few days, you won't even remember what you were crying about." Jaemin tucked a lose strand of hair behind her ear, puckering his lips at her.

Minju giggled at the action and playfully slapped his arm. Jaemin nagged, sounding like an old woman. Minju was trying her best to look annoyed with him, but couldn't resist laughing at how funny he sounded.

"There's my little sister." Jaemin said, smiling at her. Minju finally smiled back. Jaemin held her in his arms and slowly ran his hand over her hair. "You do know that this isn't your fault right?" He looked down at Minju, the girl briefly lifting her head and nodding before lying down in his arms again.

"Good, because we don't got time to be worrying about some stupid boy, who didn't deserve you in the first place." Minju snorted at his words. "Now," He took her head in his hands and held it to face him. "Repeat after me."

"I am fabulous and the baddest bitch on the block." Minju raised an eyebrow at his words, but repeated it anyway when he gave her a stern look.

Jaemin smiled and nodded his head in approval. "And remember, pain is temporary, swag is forever." Minju burst out laughing, clasping her mouth shut with her sweater paws.

"Since, you're laughing," Jaemin said, then pulling her hood over her head and tightening the strings, so that it would hide her face. "You look disgusting, please, why did you have to be an ugly cryer?"

"Hey!" Minju exclaimed, removing the hood and glaring at Jaemin. He laughed at her angry face, before sticking his tongue out at her. Minju rolled her eyes, about to leave but then realized that she already was in her room.

"Get out." Jaemin pouted at her words, refusing to move from his seat. "Na Jaemin, I swear, I will punch you."

The boy dramatically gasped, giving a look of disbelief. "After everything we've been through, this is how you repay me?" He asked, head facing down. Minju crossed her arms, a scoff leaving her mouth.

"I was going to tell you something, though..." Jaemin trailed off, starting to leave the room. Minju's ears perked up at this, eyes diverting to his retreating figure.

"What is it?" She curiously enquires, but Jaemin had already left the room. "Jaemin! Please, come back!"

Jaemin shook his head, a sly smile plastered on his face. This time Minju pouted, running towards the older boy. "You can't just leave me hanging like that."

"Yes, I can. Plus, I don't know if this is the right time to tell you anyway." He said.

"Why?" She asked, confusion written on her face.

"Because... you just got out of a relationship, so it would be kind of insensitive of me to boast my relationship-" Jaemin quickly cut himself off and Minju snapped her head up to him, eyes wide. "No, no. Nuh uh, you heard nothing."

The shocked expression on the girl's face was quickly replaced by a wide smile. "Nope, you can't go back now. So, please, do continue what you were saying."

Jaemin sent her a look, contemplating whether he should continue or not. He didn't want to hurt her even more, especially since she already is in a fragile state. He wanted to help her get better first and rubbing his happiness in her face wouldn't exactly be the best way to help her.

"Don't worry about me, Jaem. Just because I'm sad, doesn't mean you can't be happy." She answered his thoughts.

"You sure?" He hesitantly asked, receiving a nod from her. "Okay, so... I met this guy in my class and basically I just started liking him when we started to talk. Weird thing is, he likes me back and now we're like sort of dating but not really. Like we haven't officially labeled it anything." Minju only laughed at her brother's rambling.

Jaemin unsurely scratched the back of his head. "Cuuuute!" Minju dragged out the word. "Jaeminnie got himself a boyfrieeeennndddd!" She did a little dance, giggling like a carefree child.

"Now," She stopped and hopped towards the dark haired boy. "Tell me everything."

hi! i started grade 12 two weeks ago and currently i am dying 🥴

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hi! i started grade 12 two weeks ago and currently i am dying 🥴

but in other news, i have a new obsession with park jisung. please send help :')

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