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Sammy,Kylie and I got dressed in sweats and hoodies and grabbed our stuff.
We grabbed all our bags and checked out of the hotel.
"I'm not excited..." Kylie said to sammy..
"Just pretended you enjoy it."
"How can I?shes gonna know about my cuts.".
"Not just yours." I blurted out.
"Just don't say anything." Sammy replied in a stupid tone.
I rolled my eyes.
We got on our plane,I feel asleep before we even took of.
I'm woke up about a hour or two later.
I looked at my phone there was a text from Jack.

'I miss you😘'
'I miss you more💕'
'Have a good time at home,I don't get to see my family..😩❤️'
'How am I supposed to have a good time at home?i wanna be with you right now'
'I wanna be with you too💋 I'll text you later I love you teagan💜'
I love when he sends me sweet texts..
Kylie POV
I had on my nike shoes with a bigger size of grey sweatpants and a basketball hoodie from 6th grade. Surprisingly it still fits..and my hair in a pony tail.

I sat by the window sammy was in the middle and Teagan was in the aisle.
*4 hours later*
Our plane landed and we got our bags and stuff.
Our parents where picking us up from the airport.
I saw Peyton and ran right up to her and picked her up.
"I missed you!" She said in excitement.
"I missed you too!" I said and put her down.
She ran over to sammy and Teagan.
Sammy hugged her and kissed her on the cheek.
Teagan gave her a really big hug.
We all got in the car and headed home,home was about a hour from the airport and it's 7:00 in the morning right know..

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