Oh Dear Diary...

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Came up with this idea at 3 am 


Lucifer was in his weekly session with Linda, talking about his problems.
"If you won't tell Chloe how you feel about her, maybe you should write your feelings down."
"Like a diary? Doctor don't be absurd."
Lucifer laughed at the matter. In truth he didn't find it that bad of an idea, he just didn't want to give Linda the satisfaction. Lucifer's phone vibrated so he checked it.
"Well doctor, I've got places to be."
Lucifer left Linda shaking her head at her client.

On the way to work Lucifer had made a pit stop. Chloe looked up as she saw her partner approaching her. Lucifer was walking towards her but he had his face buried in a notebook, he was writing something.
"Lucifer! What is this?" Chloe pointed to the book in his hand. Lucifer looked up from what he was doing.
"Ah, it's nothing detective."
Chloe didn't buy it. Lucifer was hiding something in there, like every time he said "It's nothing". Chloe decided to let the matter go for now. Ella ran through what happened to the dead guy on the floor. It pointed to a B&E. Lucifer payed 0 attention to what was going on, he didn't even make any jokes or snide comments which was strange.
"Lucifer, you feeling alright?" Chloe asked.
Lucifer glanced up at his partner then back to his notebook. "Yes, yes I'm fine detective."
Chloe knew something was up and Lucifer was yet again hiding it from her. She decided she needed to find out what was in that notebook. She knew it was invading his privacy but Lucifer was normally a very open book, especially about his sex life.

They were back at the precinct waiting for Ella's forensic report to come back in. Chloe was sitting going through her case files and Lucifer was sitting on her desk scribbling in his notebook. Chloe glances up many times but didn't say anything as she would get the same answer as before.
"Guys, we have a suspect." Ella spoke into the silence. Chloe took the report from Ella and looked it over. Chloe stood up and grabbed Lucifer's arm.
"Come on Lucifer we have a new lead."
Lucifer allowed Chloe to drag him along.

The car ride was silent. Something Chloe thought she would enjoy but it wasn't normal. Lucifer should be talking about himself.
"Lucifer, why are you always writing in that notebook?" Chloe asked the question that had been bugging her all morning. Lucifer put the book down and looked at Chloe.
"I'm making sure it's up to date."
"Is it- What is it for?" Chloe glanced at the notebook in Lucifer's hand, trying to figure out why he had it.
"Well to write stuff of course."
"Like a diary?" Chloe's expression turned from curiosity to confusion.
"What? Don't be preposterous Detective."
"Then you'll let me look in it." Chloe had her eyes on the road, she felt Lucifer glaring at her. Lucifer closed his book and tucked it into his suit jacket.
"That's a no detective." Lucifer crossed his arms and stared out the window. Chloe let it go, focusing on driving to the suspect's house.

Once the car slowed to a stop Lucifer got out before Chloe was completely parked. Lucifer was knocking rapidly on the door as Chloe got out. Chloe walked up the path and stood next to her partner.
"Lucifer it looks like nobody is home. We'll have to come back later, when we have a warrant." Chloe turned back to her car. Lucifer followed. Lucifer decided to start scribbling in his notebook again, much to Chloe's annoyance and curiosity. Chloe drove Lucifer to Lux, there wasn't much back at the precinct to do.
"Well Lucifer you're free to spend the rest of the day however you want." Chloe watched as Lucifer stepped out of her car, that adorable smirk of his plastered to his face.
"Why, thank you detective."
And he was gone. Chloe exhaled audibly. She glanced at the passenger seat. It was Lucifer's notebook. Chloe fought against running out to give it back to Lucifer but also resisted reading it. Chloe drove back to the precinct knowing the book was right there.

Chloe parked her car in the garage when she finally decided. She was going to take a peek. Chloe snatched the notebook up from the seat next to her and opened the cover. Chloe stared at Lucifer's handwriting, she had never seen it before. Chloe read the writing along the top of the page,
"Chloe, The Detective."
Chloe knew it was wrong but her curiosity had grown, so she read on. She flicked through and briefly read each page. She was nearly up to date when a knock on her window made her jump.

Lucifer headed straight up to his penthouse when Chloe dropped him off. He got himself some whiskey then went to sit done and update his notebook whrn he came up empty. He patted all his pockets. Nothing.
"Bollocks," I've left them in the detective's car. Lucifer got up and drove the corvette to the precinct. He parked a few spots down from her car and got out. Lucifer looked into the car and saw her reading his notebook. Lucifer sighed. He knocked on Chloe's window, causing her to jump in fright.
Lucifer opened the door and got in.
"Oh, Lucifer! Hi." Chloe closed the book. Lucifer's face didn't reveal any emotion. 
"You've read it haven't you detecrive,"
Lucifer asked. Chloe looked down and fiddled with a loose strand in her jacket. Chloe looked up.
"Lucifer, I'm sorry. I really am sorry- I shouldn't have looked but then I saw my name and I couldn't help myself. Then I read how much you care for me." Lucifer kept a poker face.
"Lucifer I want you to know I feel the same way about you. I love you."
"Detec- Chloe. You're not lying."
It wasn't a question. Lucifer gave Chloe her favourite smile.
"I love you, Chloe." Lucifer took Chloe's hand before closing the distance between them. Chloe closed the gap, touching her lips to Lucifer's.
Definitely going in the journal, Lucifer thought.

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