Eli/Hawk: Fighting Gravity

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This was requested from my tumblr! Enjoy!

  You would be lying if you said it wasn't tough, it was the hardest thing you have done. It's not easy breaking up with someone but you felt as if you had no other choice.

  You were with Eli before he turned into Hawk, before he started becoming someone who he despised the most, he became his worst enemy; a bully.

  Just as if the day could get any worse you had to be at school, well it was lunch time so it wasn't so bad. I mean you were already halfway through school just two more classes, that you also share with Demetri. 

  "Listen to me Y/n" Demetri says catching your attention.

  You playfully roll your eyes as you know that he's going to tell you a cheesy Star Wars joke, that will most likely be funny to only you and Demetri and we'll Eli if he were a 'nerd' again as he calls it.

  "Which Star Wars character works at a restaurant?" He questions, already laughing at the joke he was thinking of.

  "I don't know who?" You ask sarcastically.

  "Darth Waiter" Demetri says, now fully laughing at his own joke.

  He laughs at his own joke caused to you to laugh, plus it was a cheesy move. The laughing dies down as you and Demetri stop, in the middle of the hallway. Eyes subconsciously connecting with each other's, you both feel yourselves being pulled towards one another.

  "What the h*ll do you think you're doing nerd?!" You hear someone yell causing both you and Demetri to pull away, have being caught.

  "I-uh well-" Demetri stutters before you speak up, Demetri sighs in relief.

  "Why do you care? We aren't together anymore" You exclaim, as Hawk walks closer to you both.

  "Yeah I wonder why, it's not like I wanted you anyways" He smirks.

  You knew what was happening, you knew that he was just putting on a facade to the students that don't give a crap about him.

  "Oh yeah? And how's that working out for you" You smirk.

  "Quite well actually, I don't have to see your ugly reflection everyday" Hawk snarls.

  "Yeah well neither do I" You scoff, almost saying something bad but you bite back your lip. Knowing that's Eli's insecure spot, that you shouldn't bring up.

You bite back the urge to say something you'd regret in the long run "whatever I'm not even in the mood" you roll your eyes and walk away.

  "Come on Demetri" You demand as he follows behind.

"Uh- what was that?" He asks referring to the almost kiss.

"I- I don't know" You admit honestly.

He decides to not ask any more questions even though it kept running around his mind. After lunch, the day went by pretty fast you were driving on the way home when you got a call. It was Demetri.

  Both Demetri and Moon decided to get your mind off of things, so she threw you a as she called it a 'get over hawk' party. Which was what Demetri called to tell you about of course.

  "Come on Y/n! This will help you in-lighten your inner spiritual self!" Moon says jumping up and down, clapping excitedly.

  "Fine fine fine...." you mumble, knowing you couldn't say no to Moon.

  "Yay!" She exclaims happily.

  "Come on I have the perfect dress for you!" She says pulling you into her closet full of dresses and unique outfits.

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