Chapter 18: Super Crazy Family Fun Land

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Lana Loud was not the master of subtlety. 

The morning she got off the phone with her displaced twin she went up to Tatiana and said, "Hey sis? about we play a game of...monopoly?"

"Monopoly? you hate that game. You always said it was boring."

"Yeah well, I'm kind of in the mood to make some money I guess."

Tatiana raised an eyebrow. Even though she was becoming more and more child like by the day, even she could see through that little lie.

The two of them played monopoly and it quickly became apparent that Lana was looking for something in particular. She was glaring at Tatiana like a hawk through the entire game.

Tatiana ended the game by yawning and saying it was boring. Then she challenged Lana to a game of hide and seek. After Lana hid, Tatiana went online and put herself in a local contest. One of those quiz things were answering twenty questions correctly nets you a prize.

After Tatiana won with her adult intellect, she went over to "what-she-soon-hoped-would-be-" her new parents.

She told them about this wonderful new amusement park that just opened up called Super amazing family fun land and that she had scored them a free entry fee for the whole family. 

Ecstatic, Mr and Mrs Loud agreed to take them there tomorrow since it was Saturday.

This whole event took about a half hour. Tatiana knew Lana had talked to Lola on the phone. Which meant Lola would soon be arriving. And Tatiana already had two or three plans brewing in her mind to stop Lola from getting anywhere near her.

She found Lana hiding in the linen cupboard soon afterward. Lana soon forgot about the crazy lady on the phone altogether.


Now it was present day, Lola and Sally were left fuming at the Loud House while Tatiana and her new family were on their way to super crazy family fun land (or sceffle, as Lynn Loud had dubbed it).

Lola then called her inside spy (Lana) on the phone.....


In the van, Tatiana had already anticipated this and slipped Lanas phone out of her pocket and hid it. When the phone rang, Tatiana turned it off.


Lola cursed at her phone (as an adult she had gotten much better at swearing), and began pontificating the situation.



"pick the lock."

Sally looked at her "possibly-not-boss" with a raised eyebrow. "Are you really a seven year old?" she asked

"I am. This is my house and I live here." Lola replied

"Well if your really Lola Loud then your not my boss. You don't pay my wages. Which means I don't have to follow your instructions. Especially the illegal ones."

"...........Well played Sally."

"Thank you."

Lola sighed deeply. "Oh well. I suppose it doesn't matter. If Tanya really has flipped out and decided to steal my life she probably destroyed the other necklace."

"You call her Tanya?"

"Yeah. she asked me too."

"Wow. Kid, I hope you appreciate the fact that she doesn't get that informal unless she trusts you with her life."

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