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Mabel POV

I woke unable to remember what I had dreamed about but I felt refreshed, much better than I had when I fell asleep the night before.

Yesterday was a lot, and I knew the aftermath of that conversation was just getting started and if I know my Gruncle as well as I know I do, it won't be good. I rolled out of bed and quickly got dressed, it was still early but I doubt that either of them got much sleep last night.

Hurrying down the stairs I found the place empty, they must still be in the lab together. So I made breakfast, eggs and bacon.

"Mabel, you're up early." Stan came into the kitchen at the smell of the cooking food.

"Got a good night's sleep for the first time in a while. Is Gruncle Ford coming up with you?" I asked looking over at him.

"I don't know." he dropped himself into a set at the table waiting for the bacon to finish cooking, "I went to bed pretty late but I think he stayed in the lab."

I nodded, falling into a comfortable silence with him. When I had enough to make two plates I set one down at the table for Stan, "I'm gonna see if he wants breakfast." He nodded digging into his plate.

I went towards the lab with the plate. With my free hand I knocked on the door, "Grunkle Ford! Grunkle Ford are you up? Do you want breakfast?? I made eggs and Bacon!" I shouted through the metal doors hoping he'd hear me down the stairs.

It took a minute but thankfully he responded, the door open and a shadow of the man I once knew before towner through taking the plate off my hands, "Thank you Mabel." I grabbed the door before he could close it in my face.

"Wait, Grunkle Ford." I plead, what happened yesterday... it completely drowned out the fact, but it happened, he hit me. Something he would have never done, "How are you? How are you taking this?" I asked nervously.

"Mabel I don't want to talk about this!"

"Why NOT!! What Just happened!! Why would you do that?!?! I KNOW that God is dangerous but-"

"NO Mabel you know nothing about how Dangerous that Monster is!!"

"AND YOU DO??!! You won't even listen to Dipper?!! WHAT IF DIPPER IS RIGHT?!!?!"


The fight was still fresh in my mind, and what happened after, I wonder what that had done to him.

"Mabel, I have work to do." He huffed keeping his shoulder turned.

"I- please just talk to me. I need to know what you're thinking. Are you really going to let Dipper go? Are you going to trust him?" I asked.

He paused, "I don't trust anyone. And I'm not just going to let the boy go." Then, he forced the door out of my hands and slammed it shut.

"Could you let him go, if you love him, could you?" The words echoed in my head. The dream rang clear as day in my memory.

I knew what I should do.

In less than an hour I had gathered my things, called on Wendy, and met her at the old gas station.

"Mabel, you said over the phone you needed my help with something? What's up?" She walked up ringing her hands in her flannel.

"I'm worried that Grunkle Ford won't let this go. And Dipper has already gone through so much," I breathe trying to catch up to my thoughts, "and, and the god was so different sitting there with Dipper than he had been before when I had met him. Something changes I think in him when he's around Dipper. Didn't you see it?" I asked looking for reassurance from her.

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