Bonus Chapter - Love Island

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8:12 am. It was the next day after Albedo and Sucrose had officially dated. They had some business to do and they were still quite shy about each other now that they have noticed each other's feelings. Sucrose was exploring Liyue for new items to test and bring back when she saw some island between Mingyun Village and Guyun Stone forest. She was able to spot it from afar, standing near the Rex Lapis Statue of the Seven in Mingyun Village. Far as it is, she already knew she wasn't going to make it from the Statue to the Island because of how short her stamina was.

"There must be some other way to cross... Maybe I'll try going to Guyun Stone Forest? Yeah, that sounds good."

She then teleported to the nearest teleporter, she took the domain waypoint. Once she teleported, she saw a bunch of crystal flies, slowly flying in the air. Sucrose tried to catch one, she did catch many as the others flew away in haste.

"Aww, if only I grabbed them all at once... pfft, how silly of me to think that you can grab all crystal flies. That'd be quite impossible. But I do need them for my next experiment..."

Although upset was she, she still was prioritizing the small mysterious Island. But hey, one is better than none, right?

Sucrose exited the area where she teleported and went in the direction of where she spotted the small island. Sucrose was just roaming around peacefully in the Stone forest and then suddenly, the Hilichurls decided it was a good idea to attack the curious sweetie.

"Do you mind if we attack you?"
The Hilichurl and Mitachurl asked in Hilichurlian dashing to the wandering Alchemist, calmly.

Sucrose heard heavy and light footsteps coming towards her, she didn't even notice the company she had on her back, she turned around and it was a bunch of Hilichurls wanting combat. She heard what the Hilichurls said but couldn't understand them. And instead of wasting her time trying to figure out what a Mitachurl and swarm of Hilichurls said to her, Sucrose booked it and ditched the fight the Mitachurl and Hilichurls were waiting for. Luckily, Sucrose ran out of their sight and the monsters eventually went back to their camps to do their daily thing. But what Sucrose almost stepped into one's territory was the Geo Hypostasis, it was just resting there, hovering above the ground, menacingly. Sucrose noticed the Hypostasis peacefully resting, she didn't want to disturb its slumber nor get into trouble, so she just walked by the arena.

Sucrose dragged her feet across the yellow sparkling sand, being greeted by the calming ocean breeze. She stopped for a moment to admire the beauty in Liyue and to inhale the scent of the ocean, she then continued forward till she saw an arched stone, but in a straight form. It was just like those tall stones she saw above when she looked up. Sucrose moved forward to the strange-looking stone when she saw something. It was a clover. On a stick. A clover... stick. Huh. The curious alchemist went to take a closer look, observing the simple structures side by side.

"Hmm.. what does this do?.. Wait.. what if I just..."

Sucrose unsheathed her catalyst and used her Anemo powers to hit the clover. The clover spun around and summoned a strong wind current because of how fast it spun. Sucrose was surprised because she was so clueless about how to activate it but she just randomly thought it was a good idea to use her powers to operate it.

"Huh, so it only works with Anemo."

Sucrose rode the wind current and hovered up until she reached the maximum height of the wind current. She saw a heart shape on the small island and was curious to go there. The wind current didn't stay for long, and Sucrose noticed she was hovering down slowly. The wind current was gone too. So, to make things easier for her, she plunged down instead of letting go of her wind glider.

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