The Drunken Boar Tavern

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The Drunken Boar Tavern,

Thor bounced off from the table he was standing on, immensely pleased with the ovation he was getting from the patrons inside the tavern. He had just offered to buy everyone inside a round as celebration for finding his twin sister. At first, the patrons gawked at him, shocked. Never once had anyone hear about Thor having a twin sister, but once he announced the free ale, all questions were forgotten, and people were lining up to welcome the new addition to their pantheon, some even commenting on the uncanny similarities between them. Thor was all too pleased with that. It didn't make things any better for Kara that Alex was enjoying herself a little too much by providing tidbits of helpful information.

Kara was busy glaring at her older sister when an ingenious patron decided to ask what she was a goddess of.

Everyone turned to look at her.

"Yes, sister, what are you a goddess of?" Thor asked, his bright blue eyes shining with curiosity.

"I'm no—"

"Hope. She's the goddess of Hope and a Protector of Mankind," Alex added quickly, shooting her a warning glare. She would not leave this tavern without her ale!

"Alex..." Kara whined pathetically.

"That is awesome, sister! I, too am, the Protector of Mankind!" Thor grinned, slapping Kara's back hard.

Kara didn't flinch. Instead, she kept on glaring at Alex and sulking, her lips pursed in a thin line, but her expression soon changed when she caught sight of the large mugs of ale the servant left on the table. "Rao, help me..."

"Jesus..." Alex mumbled, quickly stretching over the table to snatch a mug for herself. "Now, that's a mug of ale!"

"You said the same thing when you first visited the Amazons," Kara said, smirking, but Alex ignored her pointedly, and Kara gasped. "Rude..."

"Oh, Hades' boots..." Nesba grumbled, staring at the mug appreciatively. "I have to take some of these mugs back home."

Kayo sighed. "Hades can't do a thing for you if you're not careful with that."

Nesba chuckled.

Thor raised his mug. "To my sister!"

Everyone raised their mugs and cheered Kara, who just tried to make herself smaller, blushing fiercely. Why had she intervened? Why? She should've just let Diana handle him, but the feeling of possessiveness that took over her the moment he touched the Amazon's arm overrode her logical brain, and that was never a good thing to happen because it made her react and think about consequences later.

Thor took the huge mug to his lips and downed its contents in one take, slamming it on the table with a satisfied grin when he was done.

Alex gaped. "Don't ever let me go up against him in a drinking contest." Taking a tentative sip, her eyebrows rose almost to her hairline. "Ohhhhhh... I like this."

"Try it, sister! You can't let good ale go to waste!" Thor dragged his chair closer to Kara, still grinning adoringly at her.

Kara resigned herself. She was sure she was going to like it if the look on Alex and Nesba's face was any indication, but she was afraid she might like it a little too much. Taking a sip, Kara closed her eyes and groaned. Thor's booming laughter resounded in her sensitive ears. "Ale, this good should be forbidden!" she groaned miserably.

"Welcome to Asgard, sister! Wait until you try the roasts!"

"Roasts?" Kara repeated weakly. Oh, Rao, she loved a good roast!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2021 ⏰

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