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Welp, I'm going to miss my sister and all our friends, but I can't leave Republic City.






"Did someone order a fully equipped Future Industries airship?"

Just kidding! Of course I'm going with Korra and our friends to find the airbenders. Korra is my responsibility, so even if I didn't want to go with them, I wouldn't have a choice in the matter. And... I still don't know whether or not I should tell Tenzin about me being an airbender myself, and I feel really bad about keeping such a big secret from him, so the least I can do is help him find the others. Though speaking to Master Iroh straightened out a bit of my confusion. I guess it makes since that I have special abilities, because I'm the Avatar's sister. I still have a million questions, but if I am the first one to.. ya know.. Then I'm afraid that I have a lot to learn about myself. I guess you can say I'm history I'm the making, literally.

"Mako, I'm so glad you're here!" I tell him happily.

"Of course... partner," he says awkwardly. "Once I received your message, I proceeded to contact various locations within the Earth Kingdom as ordered by your sister, the Avatar."

"Right, and I'm sure the Avatar thanks you for your loyal service," I tell him jokingly.

He needs to loosen up a bit. He's been so awkward lately. Well, more awkward than usual.

"I know that, partner," I continue. "We work together, remember? But did you find any more leads?"

"There are reports of airbenders popping up all over the Earth Kingdom. I marked the villages on this map," he tells me, and takes off the map slung over his shoulder. "You guys can take it with you."

"Actually, I was kind of hoping you could come, too," I tell him.

"Really?- Uh, it's probably better if I sit this one out."

"I know things have been weird between all of us since you and Korra broke up, but you're part of Team Avatar, we can't do this without you... And I miss you, Mako. You're not just my partner, you're my best friend."

"...I'm sorry, I can't."

We'll see about that.

He walks away, and I of course go and look for Bolin. If anyone can convince him to come with us, it's Bolin. I get that he, Korra, and Asami all had a thing, but at the end of the day, we're suppose to be not just a team, but best friends. I miss him, and I wish we could put all of this behind us. And what if Bolin finds their family in the city, but then their grandma would be so heartbroken because Mako isn't there and she dies?! That would be so awful!



"As of now," I start. "These are the towns where we've gotten reports about airbenders. It looks like we can hit up most of them before we get to Ba Sing Se."

"We're going to bring the Air Nation back from the brink of extinction after nearly two hundred years," Korra says to Tenzin happily.

"And it's all because of you, Korra."

Being here and talking about the airbenders, it makes me feel so guilty. A part of me wants to just shout out to the world, "I can airbend!" but I can't. What if I'm sent back home? What if they're mad at me for keeping it to myself for so long? I'm scared of what they'll do, and what they'll say. What if Korra gets mad at me? She's been the only person in the world to be able to bend more than one element. Things would be so different if I told them the truth.

My Sister's Keeper (An LOK story) (Editing Come my Soon!)Where stories live. Discover now