When your cat turns into a human - Minho

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"I'm home!" You announced and within a second, your cat comes running to you at the front door. "Did you miss me Minho?"

He immediately rubs his head against your ankle, causing you to giggle.

You found Minho almost a year ago. He was alone in a dark alley and when you saw him, you knew exactly what to do. You took him in and gave him a home. Of course, he didn't agree and wouldn't allow you to lay a finger on him, but eventually he grew soft around you. He'd follow you around the house and would make sure you wouldn't get hurt. Like a guardian, or a best friend.

He knew everything about you, your likes and dislikes, your worries, your feelings. He comforted you when you were upset, whether it was because of some jerk that dumped you, or because your favourite character in a drama dies. If you had to trust someone with your life, it would be him. But then again, he was a cat.

You sigh as you threw your backpack to the side carelessly. "School is exhausting."

"Nyang~" he whines, wanting you to pet him and give him all of your attention.

"I want to cuddle too, but I need to take a shower first. The P.E. teacher was brutal today and I'm covered in sweat."

You walk to your bedroom's bathroom and close the door, leaving the poor needy kitten all by himself.

While you were busy enjoying the feeling of the warm water on your skin, Minho got frustrated since you were taking too long to his liking.

"How long has she been in there?! She better not forget about me!" He thought and jumped onto your bed, snuggling himself against your blankets as your soothing scent filled his nose.

40 minutes pass and once you realize how long it's been, you turn off the running water and grab a towel to dry yourself.

"Oh, I forgot to grab a change of clothes..." you shrug your shoulders and continue to blow your hair with a hair dryer.

Once you were done, you wrapped a towel around your body and exited the bathroom.
You didn't mind if Minho saw you, he was a cat so it didn't matter if he saw you naked. Speaking of him, where was he?

"Minho? I thought you wanted my headpats!" You called out for him but you didn't hear anything, nor did you see him.

Your eyes eventually landed on an unusual lump in your bed, covered by your blanket. It was shaped as a person, which made you confused. Someone didn't break into your house, did they?

You carefully approached your bed and pulled the sheets off of whoever was laying there.

"W-who are you?!?" You screamed in fear and backed away from the handsome man who rubbed his eyes tiredly. "Why are you in my house?! Where's my cat-"

You didn't get to finish your sentence since he pulled you down next to him. His arms wrapped around your waist tightly and he buried his head into your shoulder.

"Y/n... I want to cuddle...." he mumbles lazily, sending shivers down your spine.

"How do you know my n-name?" You stuttered, shocked by his actions.

"You're my girl, and I love you with all of my heart. How would I not?" He kept his eyes closed, pulling you closer to him.

"But I-"

You froze when you noticed that something wasn't right. The things on his head, were those.... cat ears? And was that a tail that was brushing against your leg?

"What's wrong?" He looks up to see your face, but then he realizes it too.

Minho immediately pushes you away, accidentally knocking you off of the bed and onto the floor, making you groan at the impact. He then turns to the side and looks into your full-body mirror.

"I d-didn't know I switched!!" He gulps, a nervous sweat building on his forehead.

"So you're really..." you paused, keeping your gaze fixated in him. "My cat."

He bites his bottom lip and nods slowly, afraid you were going to freak out and kick him out of your house.

"Why didn't you tell me you were a hybrid?" You asked him softly.

Minho looked down and fiddled with his fingers.

"I thought you wouldn't like them... Many people find us weird and strange, so they don't accept us as a hybrid.... If we were just in our animal form, then it'd be a different story. But we can't stay like that forever, so I would change into a human when you'd be at school. Sometimes... my emotions would decide what form I would be."

You walked up to him and cupped his cheeks in your hands, forcing him to look at you.

"I still love you Minho. You're my cat, and all those times we've spent together won't be thrown away just because you can be a person. You're cute in both forms, and I'll never leave you," you smiled and he hugged you.

But there was one thing you both forgot. You were still in a towel that was going to fall off of you any minute now.

"I'll need to get used to this, so will you turn away since I know you're also a teenage boy?" You nervously laughed but instead of listening to you right away, he smirked.

"Why? I've seen your body many times before."

"Y-yah!! I thought it'd be fine if I changed in front of you when you were a c-cat, but it's embaressing when you're a human!!!" You blushed and puffed your cheeks out while Minho chuckled, finding your flustered state adorable.

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