chapter three

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Rosa tried a lot of things to impress rockel, but nothing seems to work. Rosa finally realized that all she had been doing to get rockel's attention he looks at on girl's face which is Vanessa. Rosa discovered what a great guy and great boyfriend rockel was and decided to back out and faced reality that he would never look at her.
After a few months Rosa and Vanessa became close friends, Rosa then told Vanessa how happy she was for ,"her because she found someone who loves her for who she was.
Vanessa and rockel broke up after 4 months of dating. Seeing rockel was single again this made Rosa happy and a chance to start over with him, although rockel wasn't interested in starting over he was only interested in talking to her, which wasn't cool with Rosa but she thought that being his friend could be a starting point for her with him.

This was a bit longer than the other chapters but I hope you are enjoying the story.

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