Chapter 47

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Bianca's POV

It had been a long time since I was this excited and nervous, all at the same time. Looking at my two friends from the backseat, I saw the same feeling in Jack's way of tugging at his kneehole on his jeans, and the way Casper kept on looking at the clock, then gripping the steering wheel harder whenever he saw that the minutes got closer. If they managed to read my nerves as well as I did theirs, I had no idea. All I knew was that the music I so often relied on for comfort had faded out to barely being background noise with the excitement that grabbled within me.

The three of us finally walked through the sliding doors and into the spacious, white waiting hall. With Jack's arm already draped around my shoulders, I tried scooting closer to Casper who had stood with a small distance from us. His lips were pinched together and his finger tapped on his upper arm from folding them across over his chest.

I tried to sneak my hand in between his crossed grip and let it rest on his to ease his nerves, but he flinched with the contact.

Casper looked at us quickly before pushing his dirty blonde hair back and seemingly getting his breath stuck, trying to exhale the nerves out of him. Jack swiftly looked down at me with worried, widened eyes before turning his eyes to Casper.

"Mate, relax." He raised his long arm that rested on my shoulders and dragged Casper next to me with force, squeezing me between them. "You want to stay alive until she's here. Just freaking breathe." Jack instructed him with a hard squeeze on his shoulder.

It seemed like Jack's ways of harshly comforting him worked. Taking a page from Max's book. Of course Max's way was the way to get him to calm down. Casper finally took a proper breath, letting his arms unfold from their grip. Now that he seemed to be out of his panic state, and just being in a nervous and excited one like the rest of us, I slipped my hand in his, squeezing it tight. He squeezed it tightly right back.

It's funny how you wait for something eagerly, but when it finally presents itself to you- you still get just as surprised and excited as if you didn't expect it.

Leaping as fast as we could, we all ran to meet Max who just stepped out of the little corridor into the big arrival and waiting hall. With us three running in full force at her, it didn't take long for her to detect us from the rest of the people waiting. The smile that grew on her lips were priceless, and she prepared to greet us in the biggest hug possible by dropping all of her bags.

Casper was the first to reach her, but I was quick to squeeze in between them. As my nose filled up with her heavy and lush perfume, my eyes flooded. This place, right here, was the place that I had longed after for months on end now. This was all I had needed to feel completely whole after months of feeling broken. And when I now had her in my embrace, I felt like she fitted the last piece for me to be just that- whole again.

"I didn't think I was going to need security from fans today." She teased, but when I pulled back to look at her, I saw that her eyes were just as overflowed with joy as mine.

The full pact back together, Jack and Casper carried her bags for her on our way back to the car. Meanwhile, I held her hand and Casper had his arms around her shoulders, not being able to stop kissing her temple.

The whole car ride we surely chatted a hole in her head, but all our four hearts were full with love so it was all forgiven.

Arriving back at Casper's flat to leave the bags, we wasted no time uncorking the wine bottles- yes, several of them.

"So- secret santa on friday, right?" Max asked, refilling her empty glass. And we all hummed agreeingly over each other.

"Will Philippe join us?" Max gave a smug half smile, glimmering her eyes at me from across the dinner table.

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