❤ 06. 𝙁𝙚𝙖𝙧

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What was haunting her from young,caused the flames to burn furiously

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What was haunting her from young,
caused the flames to burn furiously.

Gojo watched from behind his sunglasses, how [name]'s fingers were running through Geto's hair. She was seen hanging out with the second years as she waited for her friends to return to the school from their errands, thus getting bored.

How she offered to help tie Geto's hair caused an irk mark on Gojo's forehead that went unseen as [name] was occasionally asking Geto if she was pulling his hair too hard or if he was in pain, which Geto would chuckle and tell her it was fine.

"[name], help me with my hair too later?" Shoko asked and [name] nodded her head in response with a wide smile on her face, which caused Gojo finding the need to avert his gaze as a slight blush appeared across his cheeks.

But [name] had witnessed what happened earlier on for she was in a meeting with Yaga before the trio was called in for interrogation in regards to their previous mission, where someone had forgotten to put up a curtain.

"There's someone here who said they put up a curtain and then up and left the auxiliary manager behind, and forgot about the curtain too. Fess up," Yaga spoke out as he looked at the trio who were kneeling.

"Must be Gojo-senpai," [name] thought to herself as she munched on her biscuit that she had brought with her earlier on whereas Gojo's light blue coloured eyes remained on her figure behind his sunglasses.

[name] watched as she giggled as well, how Gojo raised his hand while the other two turned to face the opposite direction of him, pointing towards him as if telling Yaga that it was Gojo's fault.

"Sensei! We are better than pointing fingers at each other!"

"So, it's you!" and Yaga punched Gojo on the top of his head in response which [name] winced slightly as she remembered how hard Yaga's punches were, sending shivers down her spine.

"Are curtains... Even necessary in the first place? Does it even matter if regular people see us? It's not like they can see cursed spirits of Jujutsu anyways," Gojo spoke out.

"Of course it matters. The prevention of cursed spirits is most important for the citizens' peace of mind. For that reason, keeping it confidential is important. Not only tha-," and [name] watched as Geto was cut off by the words of Gojo while Shoko was fiddling with his sunglasses.

"Yeah, yeah. Gotcha. It's such a pain looking out for the weak," Gojo muttered out as he looked at [name] who had on a frown on her face. Something that he often noticed whenever he and Geto spoke about the weak.

"Society should protect the weak and keep the strong in check. You see Satoru, Jujutsu exists to protect non-jujutsu users," Geto spoke out as he turned and thanked [name] for tying his hair up, which [name] bowed slightly as she was about to leave.

𝐋𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒┊𝐆𝐨𝐣𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮Where stories live. Discover now