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I ended up crying again last night,
I wish I could of held on tight,
Every teardrop fell,

This whole grief thing is a more twisted version of hell,

As I sat alone on the kitchen floor,
Thinking we could of had more,
One more laugh,
One more hug,

More time,
But photographs are timeless reminders,
Happier days which blind us,

The past will never be forgotten,
The feelings of hopelessness leaveyou rotting,

I wish I could tell you it gets easier,
But if anything is true grief,
There will always be guilt and little relief,

It's been 8 years since she left us,
Cancer the killer which lives in us all.

It's been 4 years since he left us,
Cancer the same type of lottery ball.

It's been 3 years since he left me,
As his battle will mental helath got the better of him.

These people they where family,
More then you will ever know,
But if you some how relate,
As a twisted route of fate,

Please hold loved ones closer than before,
Stand there in ore,
Know photographs dont age,
They are preserved amongst the page,

We remember those who are no longer wish us,

Time capsules ment for your eyes,
Not to dwell on the sadder times,
But to excel in the once happier chimes,

The lightness that person brought,
Now they are gone you may have feelings of distraught,

But they do live on,
Through a shine,
A film,
With happiness in their eyes,

They are among the stars,
As we look up to the sky.

Words Not Meant For The Mundane ✔Where stories live. Discover now