Full bliss

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"I'll kill you!" I shouted at Remus, out of breath and exhausted after the contraction. "You did this to me!"

He looked at me with a look torn by terror, panic, and pain. He started to grab my hand, and I just growled at him. I didn't care at the moment, I just wanted it to end and this pain never comes back. Between contractions, I had a few minutes of rest, during which my mind cleared for a moment before being clouded again by another dose of agony. When Voldemort tortured me, I had hoped that the pain would stop soon, and here time dragged on and I didn't know when it would all end. With each contraction came a pain that dominated my entire being. In those moments, for those seconds that stretched into infinity, there was nothing else. When the pain passed it was only for a minute or so and I breathed with closed eyes, unwilling to re-engage with life outside of my own body. My stomach tightened; I heard my own scream without being aware of making it.

"What can I do for you? Please tell me," he begged, running his fingers through my hair. This time I did not stop his attempt at tenderness.

"Stay by my side, even if I call you to leave or curse you," I replied softly, trying to smile. It was a moment of rest between contractions and I had taken a breath.

"Always," he told me and kissed me on the forehead. "Molly will come any minute. It will be over soon," he smiled, trying to give me encouragement. "You'll see. And will have a beautiful baby."

I couldn't answer him because the pain came back. I gripped his hand ferociously. I lay my head in his lap, and Remus continued his ministrations – rubbing my back, taking wet cloths to my skin. All the while, whispering in my ear. I didn't know how many times he told me he loved me. I was beside myself with emotion and distress. Molly came and reached between my legs to check on progress.

"Soon, darling, soon," she said, then turned to Remus and practically pushed him off the bed. "You need to move."

"I will stay," he said emphatically.

She looked at him quizzically but then nodded. "Okay, but stand by her side so you don't get in the way. And you don't want to watch what's going on below."

I looked at him gratefully, that he would stay with me until the end. I did not know what to expect, and his presence brought me little relief and comfort. I had closed my eyes, despite the strain and pain, I felt one hand of Remus clinging to mine and the other caressing my hair.

After a few other contractions, Molly told me that was time, time to push. With a guttural grunt, I did so. I felt the baby crowning, the hot stretching of flesh, and held my breath. Without any further effort, the baby slid into Molly's hands. For a moment there seemed to be silence and my heart stopped, but then I heard a baby crying and took a deep breath of relief. Between the sound of my own breathing and the baby's cry, I heard Molly say,

"Congratulations! It's a boy! "

Boy. I felt Remus's hand sink into mine, but I couldn't look at him. My eyes were clouded with tears of happiness. The next moment, however, my stomach tightened again, my legs trembled, and I felt a new contraction, as intense as the previous one. Was this normal?

"Something's wrong... why does it still hurt so much?" I questioned breathlessly.

I only heard Molly say, "Oh!"

"What's up, Molly?" "I heard Remus's worried voice as if he sensed something was wrong.

"Come on, help me with your son here, Remus," she said, then turn to me "You need to push again, Ash" she instructed with urgency. " I think you'll have twins."

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