Chapter 50

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Harry's POV

When I first heard it, I couldn't believe what I heard.

A few days before Paris, Sarah had told us that Bianca had promised to come to the London show with Grimmy. It was the last thing I expected, but ever since, I had been counting down the days. With that knowledge, it didn't even bother me to know that Sarah went to see her on our day off in Paris when we reached the city. Because it was only a month until I would get to see her... 30 days to be exact.

It felt like I was tripping on clouds with this feeling. Everything was just a little bit easier, a little bit lighter, and with the knowledge of when I would get to see her again- life was just a little brighter. I carried it in my chest, I carried what I hadn't felt in a really long time- hope.

A couple of days later, I woke up in Copenhagen, another show ahead of me later this evening. With this newfound sunny state of mind I twisted in bed to grab my phone, in a mission to spend a good and unhealthy amount of time checking everything that had happened since last night. Firstly I checked the texts, a few emails, then a quick twitter peek and lastly instagram. Only once before had I been surprised on there, and that was when she uploaded that beaming picture in that wonderful yellow and purple outfit. Now I could count that up to two times when I saw that her profile icon was amongst the ones at the top, telling me that an instagram story only was one push away.

I didn't waste a second, but pushed it in a heartbeat. A warm picture filled up my screen. It was a golden sky falling as a background that created the warmness around the black silhouette of her that I saw on the wall. Those dainty hands of hers were raised over her head, letting one fall and rest on the top of it while the other held up a peace sign.  The warm feeling from the picture spread within me, making me smile as my eyes took her in. In the corner of the photo was another more discreet shadow on the wall, holding up a camera. As my eyes landed on it instead, my whole body froze, making me go all cold.

It was the first time she had ever posted anything with him. It was the first thing she had posted in months, but a part of me always tried to convince myself that it-... he was worthy, serious or important enough to post about. It was the smallest thing, but still- she had posted a picture with him now. Even if it only was their shadows.

In the most discreet way, she had tagged him at the bottom. I knew it was a set up for failure, and a trap for misery. It wasn't as if the thought of looking him up and stalking his instagram hadn't occurred to me, I just hadn't let myself. Now, for the first time, the opportunity had been served on a silver platter, and I just couldn't restrain myself. So, against my better knowledge- I clicked on it.

This far, I had only relied on Mitch's description of him. I don't know if it was Mitch who had held back on how good looking he was, or if it was my own pride that had painted a picture in my head that wouldn't keep me up at night- but he definitely was good looking. However, there weren't any actual pictures of him exclusively on his feed. Most of his posts seemed to be videos, or proper photos from an old school camera. 

When my eyes had done their first swipe to get a hint of his vibe, they then were immediately drawn to his latest post. The thumbnail was all black, the words "I love you, ma chérie" written on it. As if I was begging to hurt again after over just a week's rest of it, I again clicked on it.

I didn't know what emotion came first. The shattering of my being, the pure bliss of watching her cute little manners, or the heat that raised to my head, making my hands grip hard on my phone and leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. All I knew was what I was left with, and it had nothing to do with me.

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