Chapter 17: KARAOKE!!!

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On my way to work I ran into Bakugo and his group of friend's they were walking ahead of me so they didn't notice me just yet, so I sent a couple of my white feather's to poke them on the back and every time they turned around I would hide my feather's and Bakugo would start yelling at them. Then Mina saw me. "Morning Miss l/n how are you." 

Mina ran up to me and the rest of the group stopped and looked at me and Mina. "I'm good but please just call me y/n it make's me feel old when people call me by my last name." We continued to talk about random stuff and Bakugo would yell at us saying that were were slow, soon we were standing in front of the school.

 "I'll see you guy's around, also tell Midoriya to stop braking his bone's I'm pretty sure that's not healthy nor is it something to really be proud of." Mina laugh a little bit and assured me that she would tell Midoriya. I was walking in the hall's and for once it was quiet witch was nice until Midnight came up yelling from behind me. "Y/N!" Shit I started speeding up a little bit but she caught up. 

 "Y/n come with us were going Karaoke it will be fun plus I got Aizawa to come." She started taking about how there gonna stay out all night and how I have to come. "Fine I'll come but only if I get to wear what I want." "Deal." We continued to walk to the teacher's lounge and I went strait to sit on the couch. "Are you okay y/n, usually that's Aizawa's thing." Mic asked me seeing how I was slowly passing out on the couch. "Ya I'm fine I just stayed up late watching a movie and playing game's all night with some friend's yesterday."

"How much sleep did you get y/n?" Soon Aizawa came in with a cup of coffee in hand and sat on the end of the couch. "About 4-5 hour's, don't worry I'll be fine I'll probably just stay in here and sleep a little bit before I go and do some paper work for Recovery girl." Midnight started telling me how I shouldn't be staying up late, she then started scrolling throw her phone and telling me that if I say up late it was bad for the baby's and how it could affect me. "Okay, okay I get it I won't stay up so late anymore."

Thank god the bell rang and Midnight had to go to  her class, I then went to go see Recovery girl but she wasn't in the room so I started working on the paper work. Soon I passed out while I was doing the paperwork. When I woke up I was laying on one of the bed's and Recovery girl was filling out the paper work that I was doing. "How long was I out for?" I had asked while I was rubbing my eye's and trying to adjust my eye's to the light. 

"For about 2 hour's dearie." "Damn I got more sleep than Aizawa ever gotten at this school." I thought to myself. "I'm so sorry Recovery girl I didn't mean to fall asleep at work." Recovery girl stopped doing the paper work and smiled at me. "That's alright dearie Aizawa and Midnight told me that you had very little sleep." I rubbed the back of my neck. "Is that so."

After a little while while I was on my lunch brake I had prepared a black coffee for Aizawa and had bought her a new whip that I had delivered to her house, as of saying thank you. I didn't see Aizawa around the school so I went and dropped off the black coffee in his class room with a note saying thanks. "Hey y/n what are you doing here?" I turned around and saw Mina standing at the door with Karishima. "I couldn't find Aizawa so I just came here to drop off his coffee." "That's pretty manly of you y/n." 

Soon I was sitting in one of the student's desk talking to Mina and Karishima. "So have you found out the gender yet?" Mina kept on asking a bunch of question's about my pregnancy's so far. "No not yet but we are planning a gender reveal party." Mina had pouted a little bit. "Aww, will you invite me to I wanna go." 


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(Discontinued) Hawks X Pregnant readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz