Questioning A Secretive Man - Chapter 5

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Word Count: 1,043

A/N: Thank you for all the reads and votes on this book, I appreciate it a lot. Also... how did I not notice Sapnap is officially 20 years old?! His birthday was yesterday!

~Ranboo's POV~

Wilbur and I were walking towards Dream's place so we could question him. We remember seeing Dream taking Sapnap inside last night, so we just went to our own house. Apparently, Hailey is staying with Drista, Harry is staying with Wilbur and Sapnap will be staying with Dream, of course. While we were about to knock on Dream's door, we overheard Hailey talking with Harry. I looked over at Wilbur and we decided to listen... just for one minute.

"When do you think we'll get back home?" Hailey asked.

"I have no idea.. also, why do you want to return so badly? We had nothing to do there other than talking and almost falling into the lava" Harry stated.

"I just miss mom... we've already been here for two days, it's obvious dad and mom noticed we were gone" Hailey responded.

"I doubt it, they never notice when you and I sneak food in the middle of the night" Harry said.

"I know but... you know how dad is with Sapnap, he would obviously go to his room to make sure he was there doing what he was supposed to be doing, but then he sees Sap isn't there and then who knows what!" Hailey said with worry in her voice. 

"I know... hopefully he doesn't use that tracking thing he always uses on Sap so he could know where he is" Harry said.

"Does Sapnap still have the chip?" Hailey said.

"I don't know, go ask him, there is no way I'm talking to him" Harry responded.

Wilbur and I looked at each other, why did they mention a tracking device and a chip? Who knows.. maybe we could ask Sapnap ourselves. Wilbur knocked on Dream's front door and it took a few minutes for him to answer. When he did, he just stared at us.. I think, he has that mask over his face. 

"What do you two want?" Dream asked.

"We have a few questions for you.. but first, is Sapnap inside?" Wilbur asked.

"Uh, Tommy and Tubbo took him, I guess they're gonna hang out or something" Dream responded.

"Good"  I said, Dream looked at me weirdly but Wilbur and I just walked inside and sat down on the couch. Dream closed the door and sat down next to us, Wilbur and I looked at each other and I sighed.

"Dream.. what do you think of Sapnap?" I asked.

"Uh, well... he seems like an interesting person" Dream responded.

"Okay, do you feel any type of way when he talks to you?" Wilbur asked.

"Uh... why are you asking me this?" Dream questioned.

"Just answer our questions and we'll leave you alone," I said.

Dream sighed and answered Wilbur's question, "I guess I do".

"How does he make you feel? Do you perhaps... have feelings for him?" Wilbur and I asked in unison.

"No, we just met the guy two days ago" Dream said, he sounded convincing... but he could be lying. Wilbur and I decided to leave him alone and got up from the couch. Dream ended up pushing us out of the house and slamming the door closed.

"What was that about?" Wilbur asked, looking at the door.

"He might be tired, come on let's go" I said as I dragged Wilbur towards Tommy's house so we could see what they're doing with Sapnap. As we walked towards the child's house, we once again overheard Harry and Hailey, we decided to listen to their conversation. Try to think of it as... listening to find out more about the siblings, yeah.

~Harry's POV~

Hailey and I were arguing whether we should go with my idea, take Sapnap away from these people and find a way back home ourselves, or Hailey's idea which is to stay here for a while like a vacation and when the group finds more obsidian, we'll go back home. I hate arguing with her since she always wins, but the quicker we get back home the less pissed our dad will be.

"Can't you see how happy Sapnap is? Finally, after 19 years he met other people instead of other monsters!" Hailey argued.

"Hey, the mobs back home aren't monsters!" I said back.

"Oh really? Then why the hell do they want to kill a human being?!" Hailey questioned, honestly she has a point about them being monsters. She's also got a point about Sapnap... he does seem to be happier, but surely wont be for long since we'll have to go back home. I sighed as I looked over at Tommy's house, Tommy and Tubbo were trying to catch Sapnap, but he was a bit too quick for them. 

"So, are you gonna go with my idea and let our brother do the things he's always wanted to do?" Hailey asked, when I looked at her.. her eyes were teary, if we stay here... we'll finally be normal, but if we leave too soon... we would have lost our chance to be who we wanted to be.

"Fine... I guess we could stay" the second I said that, Hailey tightly hugged me. After she let go, we heard a branch fall from behind us. When we turned around we say that Wilbur and Ranboo people, we they eavesdropping?

~Wilbur's POV~

Ranboo and I slowly moved away from behind a tree but a branch fell, when it did Hailey and Harry turned around and caught us. I smiled and waved and grabbed Ranboo's arm and ran inside Tommy's house, making Tommy run after us since he doesn't like anyone going inside his place. Ranboo and I sat down on the couch while Tommy asked us why we were here as Tubbo and Sapnap went to grab something to eat. From what I heard from Harry and Hailey, it sounds like all they want is for Sap to be happy, and the only way they can think of doing that is to stay here for a while...

A/N: Bare with me people, I did this during class 

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