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"You truly mean it?" Vision asks, pure joy filling his eyes

"Yes, I mean it," I say with a smile

"But where would we go?" he states

"Hey, hey, wasn't this your idea?" I say with a chuckle

He chuckles along with me and his eyes soften as he looks at me.

"Yes, indeed it was. How about somewhere beautiful, beautiful but far," Vision smiles

"I would love that, but where do you have in mind?" I ask

He thinks for a second before he answers. He smiles to himself when he comes to a conclusion.

"Scotland," he smiles

"Scotland is beautiful. Can we go to Edinburgh? It is wonderful there," I smile

He places a soft kiss upon my forehead and smiles. He takes one last look into my eyes, places both of his hands on either side of my face. 

"You're sure about this?" he whispers softly

I nod my headly lightly and smile

"I want this," I whisper back

We stand up from where we were sitting on the floor. Once we stand up, Vision pulls me into his grasp and hugs me tight.

"Vis- I can barely breathe in here," I chuckle

He plants a kiss on the top of my head, still holding me in his grasp.

"You'll live," he chuckles

He releases me after a few seconds and I begin to pack some things. Vision heads to his room, just to grab some clothes and things he wants to bring along. As I'm packing my bag, I hear a light knock on the doorframe behind me. I turned around to see Nat, leaning against the doorframe. She smiled at me as we made eye contact. I quickly dropped what I was doing and rushed over to give her a hug.

"God, I missed you so much," I say into her shoulder as we hug

"I missed you too," she replies

We pull apart and she puts her hands on my shoulder.

"Where are you headed too in such a rush?" she says in a serious tone after looking at the suitcase on the bed

"It's a lot to explain," I reply while looking at the ground, avoiding eye contact

"Well, I have time. The question is, do you?" she replies

I glance over at the clock and nod. Nat and I sit on the edge of my bed as she listens attentively. I tell her all about Vision and what has happened the past few weeks. I tell her everything. It felt so nice to confide in someone about it, granted that most of my recent time has been spent with Vision, I didn't have anyone to tell. She was shocked, I could tell by her face, but once I wrapped everything up by telling her about what had happened, just moments ago, she instantly became supportive.

"Tony's right. The Avengers are over. I support you going away with Vision, but just promise me that you will keep in touch. I want you to be safe," she says sympathetically

"I promise," I say with a smile as I pull her into a tight hug

She hugs back and after that, she leaves the room. I stand up and begin to finish packing my stuff. Once I was done packing it all up, I closed the suitcase and let out a sigh. I looked around the room and many waves of different memories began to flood over me, memories from this room and my previous one at the old Facility. I glanced over at the doorway, I saw many people coming through this door to talk. I saw Steve standing in the doorway, checking up on me. I turned to look at the bed and I saw Tony and Banner coming to wake me up at the crack of dawn to get an early start in the lab. I saw Steve and I cuddling in the bed together. I saw Vision and I lay in my bed for the first time, hesitant to touch. I saw us cuddling, him reading to me as I admired his words. I saw Vision helping me move around and taking care of me when I was badly injured. I saw so many memories that I cherished with my entire heart. I was taken out of my walk down memory lane when I heard a slight tap on the door frame. I turned and Vision's eyes met with mine. He shot a warm smile at me and I smiled back. He held a duffle bag in hand and was wearing a navy knitted sweater, along with a pair of black dress pants. He was no longer a deep shade of red with silver detailing, he was now a fair tone with his short blonde hair. Despite his change of appearance, he was still Vision. He was still the Vision I was ready to run away with. He parted his lips and uttered four words that made me blush.

"Are you ready darling?" he asks

I grab my suitcase and nod lightly. He smiles at me, joy fills his eyes as I approach him. He places his free hand on my cheek and searches my eyes to make sure I was certain about this decision. He expressed an expression of comfort after he searched my eyes for the answer. He knew I meant it. Before he removed his hand from my cheek, he placed a soft and loving kiss upon my forehead. His hand dropped and brushed against mine. I held his hand as we walked out the door and down the stairs. We stopped in front of the exit door and placed our bags on the ground. Vision brought me my coat as I put my shoes on. I smiled at him as he helped me put my coat on. He quickly grabbed his and put it on before we headed out the door. I opened the trunk of the car and Vision lifted our bags in. He closed the truck and looked over at me. His arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me close. His forehead touched mine and we looked deep into the eyes of each other. He placed a playful kiss on the tip of my nose and I laughed. He chuckled along with me and we slowly pulled away from one another.

"Are we truly doing this?" he asked

"Yes, I believe we are," I say with a reassuring smile

By this time it was 10 pm. Vision and I got in the car. I sat in the driver's side due to the fact that Vision had no driving experience whatsoever.

"I booked us two plane tickets for 12 am. I hope we can make it in time for that," Vision smiles

"That's perfect," I smile back

I start up the car and we begin to drive. The airport was about an hour away which got us there right on time. The airport was very quiet, due to how late it was at night. It was perfect for us, we had no problem getting through and onto the plane. We put our bags in the overhead since we packed so lightly. I worried about the cost of everything but it seemed as if Vision had it all under control. I wasn't sure how but I didn't want to question it. As we sat in our seats side by side, Vision placed his hand in mine and smiled.

"I find it quite funny that I can fly, yet here I am on an airplane with you," he chuckles

"The experience is all worth it dear," I say with a chuckle

I lean my head on his shoulder and slowly feel myself getting more and more tired.

"I brought a gift for you," he states

"You did? What is it?" I ask while lifting my head up to look up at him.

He reaches down the side of his seat and pulls out a book. It was a book of sonnets. Shakespeares Sonnets. I smiled at him lovingly while he opened the book to the first page. I placed my head back on his shoulder and he began to read to me. He had to whisper to be curious to everyone else on the plane but the volume of his voice didn't make it any less enchanting.

"Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate. Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer's lease hath all too short a date. Sometimes too hot the eye of heaven shines, And often is his gold complexion dimmed; And every fair from fair sometime declines, By chance, or nature's changing course, untrimmed; But thy eternal summer shall not fade, Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st, Nor shall death brag thou wanderest in his shade When in eternal lines to Time thou grow. So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee,"

As he reads, I slowly feel my eyes get heavier and heavier. They soon close and I feel Vision place a delicate kiss on my forehead. I could be in this moment forever.

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