Chapter 12

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3rd POV,

It's been a week after then incident, Katsuki has been visiting Izuku during his stay at the hospital. His body also started to reject blood from his own body. Due to the blood loss and the situation of his quirk the doctors have been paying extra attention to him. Having his lifestyle changed so suddenly took a toll on Izuku's body, due to this situation and because of the recent events his body has grown weak. Even though his health has been strictly supervised by the doctors and nurses assigned to him, it can't be helped that his body is growing weaker by the day due to his quirk. And with this situation the government has been in the edge of their seats because of this.


"Sir! The boy will not hold on for long if this keeps on! The doctors said that during his evaluation the power that the boy holds needs a host in order for the power to keep it from going haywire, but his condition has been getting worse day by day after the accident."  A person stated to that seems to be the their superior.

The higher-ups was in distraught with hearing the news, not only that, they have only a year and they also have to take care of the boy as the vessel. 

"Chief, the doctors are doing everything they can to keep him healthy. The rest of the police force has also withhold every information we have away from the media." The man looked up to his subordinates statement and waited for his report.

" According to the investigation that the police has conducted, the Midoriya family has kept this power hidden for a very long time. Dating back to the Edo period even before the pre-quirk era, though they're existence has been noted as of late but their predecessors doesn't have any data on them at all. The only known individuals known in their family as to this date is Inko Midoriya, Izuku Midoriya  and Hisashi Midoriya also known as Spitfire, that we later found out that he married into the Midoriya family for power. Despite that we can't find anything at all. It's like they just appeared out of nowhere or...."

"or someone deliberately hid or deleted their family history and information." The man that seemed like the chief in charge spoke cutting off his subordinates report. He stood up and walked to his subordinate and said "Find out who ever tampered with the records, we must find out what the Midoriya family is hiding. Schedule a meeting with  Mrs. Midoriya immediately. If this family has hidden their existence for a long time then who knows what else they are hiding from this world?" 

Izuku's POV,

It has been a week I've been stuck in the hospital for a week now. My daily routine has been the same ever since. Wake up, eat, check up, wait for Kacchan, eat, check up, talk with Kacchan, eat, sleep, repeat. That's what I've been doing for the past week, and it also doesn't help that I've been spitting up blood. UUUUUUUUGGGGGHHHH!!!! I can feel my body get weaker, how am i supposed to be a hero if I'm like this? *sigh* 

But i have been noticing something strange among the doctors recently, they have been acting really fidgety and nervous around me. Some of the nurses have been really suspicious recently as well, I sometimes hear them talking to the doctors outside. It's something about some 'Protocol' or 'Project' of some sort. Whatever, i don't care anymore, all i wanna do right now is regain my strength and get back up again. I hope i get better soon, and fast.


Suddenly I heard a knock coming from the door, I wonder who is it this time? I told the person knocking from the other side of the door to come in, and as soon as i said that the person who came in shook me. It wasn't Katsumi as usual, it was a completely different person. It was a man with long ebony black hair and a demeanor of shadow, and for some reason he has this mysterious aura around him that I can't seem to place. He was wearing a black jumpsuit with a white shabby scarf, for some reason, with a stare that somehow rivals death it self. 

"Are you perhaps Izuku Midoriya?"

The man asked me in a monotone voice, I answered with a yes, of course who would mess with a man that literally screams ' I'll kill you if you mess up'. "Good, I have some questions for you and then after that I want to clarify somethings with you, is that understood?" The man asked, which I nodded in response. "Good! Then let us get started, first of let me introduce myself. My name is Aizawa Shouta also known as Underground Pro-hero: Eraserhead. I want you to answer my questions honestly, understood?" I nodded in response. 

As I was answering the questions that I was being asked I suddenly felt dizzy, and as I was falling I felt a hand pulling me down as I hear Mr. Aizawa screaming my name.



Sorry for the wait I had so many classes that I needed to catch up on. Anyways The schedule is back with it being a mess, Thank you for the support in this book.

I never thought that my first book would get so much support, Thank you so much. See ya on the next chapter!

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