Who's afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?

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Fourteen years. James and Peter, Remus, and Sirius hide under the invisible cloak. They hardly fit. They have to take small steps so that they are not seen. They go down to the dining room, across the hall, up, turn around, enter the library, go through the authorised sections and enter the Hogwarts forbidden books to look up the books on Animagus and Transformations that they need. The library is quiet and they leaf through books and more books, to find something that works for them.

They've been searching for a while when Remus realises that Sirius has gone from the Transformations section to the Lycanthropy section. Seated on the floor, with a thick volume on the knees.

-What the hell are you doing- Remus whispers. - We can't waste time.

- You're the one who always says we have to read. A little consistency, Lupin.

Peter directs them a SSSSHHHH that sounds much louder than what they are saying. Sirius picks up the book. "Lycanthropy Through the Centuries, a muggle point of view ". Remus already knows it. The entire collection, as a matter of fact. There are volumes of witches, wizards, vampires, gnomes, ogres, and all magical beings in the magical world.How Muggles have seen them, why they have feared them, wars, struggles, history.

- Did you know that ancient Muggles believed that men were transformed into wolves by eating human flesh?

His eyes shine. It couldn't seem more fun. Remus wants to tell him to shut up, put the book down, get up and help them before someone sees them and expels them.

Instead, he sits next to him. Knee to knee on the ground.

- Yes, I knew that already. Later, the inquisitors decided that was the devil the one that created the impression that they were transformed.

Of all the Muggle occurrences to Sirius, that of the "devil" is the most comical to him. He laughs just hearing it and his hair falls over his face.

When he fingers his bangs back, Remus's mouth goes dry. Doesn't know why. It's one of the effects that Sirius has on him.

- And the Vikings believed that when the Twilight of the Gods came, a giant serpent would devour the earth and a wolf would swallow the sun, causing the end of the world. - Remus notices a slight tremor next to him. - Don't laugh, Sirius.

But clearly, he can't help it and his stifled laughter cause a second SSSSSSSSHHHHHH from Peter. Sirius chokes his face in Remus' arm so that no one will hear him. The feeling is hot, intense, deep.

- Not funny, you know? They killed a bunch of innocent Muggles for those superstitions.

He raises his head. Remus's arm is still warm. They are close, in the prohibited section, at night. Whispering.

-I know a muggle story about wolves, Lupin.

When Sirius looks at him with that intensity, his breath catches. He will bristles the fur of the wolf.

- Which one?

He starts by saying "the first little pig built a straw house ..."

This time when Peter says SSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHH they are already aware SSSSSHHHHH is for silencing the laughter of both. Fourteen years and everything seems like a game. Back to the room, Sirius gets behind him in the invisible cloak and talks to him close from his ear.

-I'll puff and puff...- he murmurs, -and I'll knock down your little house.-

-They're going to hear us!- Peter insists.

- Shut up, Pettigrew or the werewolf will bite you and drink your blood and will attract the end of the world.

- Remus wouldn't do that. - But Peter doesn't seem very convinced. You wouldn't, right?

Sirius answers him.

- Of course not, asshole. - And again, in Remus's ear. - Because he is a good little wolf.

Not so much. When Sirius, his best friend, his brother, his partner is speaking into his ear doesn't feel good at all. He feels insecure, unstable, thick. As if all the atrocities Muggles have written about Lycanthropy were true. He is thirsty for blood. He feels a raging demon within. He could bring the end of the world. Devour the sun in his name, for his flesh, for his blood.

They go to bed laughing. From the next bed, Sirius wishes him happy dreams.

- Good night, wolf.

- For God's sake, don't call me that.

- Fierce?

- Less.

- Wolverine?

- Jeez... What's wrong with my name?

- I think is rather boring. Feel like putting another one on you. - While Sirius thinks about it, Peter snoring, Remus has the urge to crawl into the bed next to him and blushes violently, thanking the night for hiding his modesty. Sirius's voice flutters. Rugged, dazzling. - Moony?

Placid, maddened, full of melancholy. He likes how it sounds. "Moony". He smiles in the dark. They just baptised him.

- Call me whatever you want, Sirius.

Whatever you want.

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