32 | babysitting

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The evening sun was slowly setting outside the apartment window, leaving the room in a golden, luminescent glow. The complete opposite of the mood in the room that day.

"I don't know what to say, he's been crying for an hour straight now and won't let a single word out. I'm really worried." Jimin, now freshly showered and in his pyjamas, was stood in the kitchen with Yoongi, preparing tea for the broken boy on his couch. The older looked distressed as well, meaning he too, cared about him.

"Maybe he just needs this, y'know? To cry himself out, let out the emotions somehow since he can't confront Taehyung about it." Yoongi spoke softly, yet a determined look flashed through his eyes, filled with both disappointment and sympathy.

Once it grew silent throughout the apartment, the two of them stood still for a moment. Eyes wide, Jimin hurried over to the living room to find the couch empty. "Oh my god, where did he go?" Both males looked frantically around the house, until they stopped by the bathroom.

"Oh Jungkook.. there you are." Jimin sighed in relief before kneeling in front of the shaking boy who was hugging his knees next to the toilet bowl. He looked pale and exhausted as Jimin threaded his fingers through his fluffy hair in a comforting manner.

"Do you feel sick?" He asked in a soft voice like a mother would.

The younger nodded his head softly, his red and puffy eyes not daring to look away from the ground.

"Let me get you some water—" he was about to get up, but a weak arm grabbed him back down. Jungkook shook his head at him quickly, those big, round eyes staring right through him, full of hurt and regret. It made Jimin's breath hitch and instantly feel emotional for him.

"Okay, I will stay here with you yeah? Yoongi can get you some water instead." Jimin said without even looking back at his partner, he knew the older would get the message and rush over to the kitchen right away.

They stayed there for a while, Jimin comforting Jungkook who emptied out his stomach until he had nothing left to throw up with. Throat sore and eyes wet with more tears that kept coming, the pain of his broken heart not being the only thing that hurt anymore.


Jungkook woke up in a cold sweat, panting deeply as his heart raced as if he just ran a marathon. He scanned the dark bedroom that looked unfamiliar and grabbed his pounding head; his hands were ice cold.

For a moment he sat in silence to regain his breath and calm his heart. His entire body felt weak and hurt from head to toe, as if he was constantly at the verge of passing out. 

After a while, the room was lit up with a small light that came from the bedside table. Jungkook whipped his head to his right to see his phone sat there comfortably with a charger plugged in. He grabbed the phone shakily to see it flooded with messages and missed calls. The time read 3:31am.

He quickly dropped the phone back down and ran his still cold hands through his face. "So it wasn't a dream.." he muttered to himself, his heart dropping once again, as usual his false hope being crushed and stomped on.

"Mm Jungkook?" He heard a groggy voice next to him as some weight on the bed shifter around. It made him jump but he quickly recovered once he saw Jimin's sleepy face pop up from under the covers as he lifted himself up on his elbows. "Is everything okay?"

Jungkook was confused but decided not to question anything until the morning, both of them were way too tired right now anyway. "Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry for waking you up.." he whispered and laid back down, trying his best to fall back asleep but it was useless.

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