Night fall

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Alexa's outfit:

Alexa's POV :I woke up before the sun started to rise and I gave karma a gentle kiss on the head

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Alexa's POV :
I woke up before the sun started to rise and I gave karma a gentle kiss on the head. "You ready karma? If we leave now we'll get there before nightfall."
Time skip too 3 hours before nightfall...
I pulled my truck into a small clearing in the woods got out and climbed in the back of my truck and grabbed a backpack full of clothes, food, supplies, and medicine. I opened my toolbox and grabbed my throwing knives put them in their pouch on my belt. I grabbed my survival knife and put it in my back pocket, my colt python was in its holster, my bow in my hand and quiver at my side. I put the backpack on and jumped out of the bed oh the truck and went to my driver side door. I grabbed Karma's food as well as 6 bottles of water and put them in the bag. "We walk from here girl, load out!" Karma jumped out of the truck and I put the rest of my stuff from the back of my truck in the seats and locked up the truck. I put my keys in my front pocket and told karma to stay close then we started walking in the direction of the prison...

"There it is girl, we made it. It looks like there is a community there. We made it girl!" I happily said looking a my fury companion.
"Come on girl, hopefully they let us stay for a little while, we can get the truck later." I said to karma.

We were walking to the gate of the prison when I heard someone yell "STOP WHERE YOU ARE!" I stopped frozen In place. "Who are you and why are you here?" The voice called out. "I'm Alexa, and the dog next to me is Karma..." I paused for a second looking at my feet wondering if I should just turn back the way I came and run but I was frozen, I could hear my heart pounding in my chest. Then I heard the voice again "Why are you here!" I looked up and saw a man and a boy with a sheriffs hat pointing a shotgun at me. "I-We, Karma and I need a place to stay for a while, but if that's a problem we can turn around and leave but I am willing to make a deal!" I said looking straight at the man. "What kind of deal?" The man asked. "I'll give y'all Half of everything I have on me and I'll work for my keep." I stated hoping they would let me in. "Alright, but I have 3 questions..." I nodded encouraging him to go on.
"How many walker's have you killed?"
"At least 40."
How many people have you killed?"
"Why?" The man asked the final question with a blank expression.
"William was my brother, and he was bit. I couldn't let him turn." I said with tears forming in my eyes. I wiped my eyes and looked up. "Did I pass?"
"Yeah, I'm Rick Grimes and this is my son Carl." Rick said opening the gates for Karma and I. "Let's get you settled in and we can take care of our deal alright?" Rick asked looking at me then karma. "Nice dog what is she?" Rick asked. "Karma is a Dutch shepherd, she was my brothers. Be careful around her she is a trained protection dog. She loves kids so your boy will be fine, but I'll keep her at my side until she gets used to the new faces." I answered Ricks question. "Lay low around here for a little while and if anyone gives you trouble tell them to come talk to me, alright?" Rick said with a straight face and I just nodded in return."Hey Rick, if you don't mind can I set up a tent out here? I mean, I won't be here long and I don't want to invade your space." I suddenly said. "Yeah that's fine, you can sleep in one of the guard towers there are steps leading to the top so your dog-" "Karma"I interrupted. "Sorry, so Karma can stay up there with you if you would like." I nodded and smiled, I thanked Rick and walked to one of the abandoned guard towers. I opened the door pleased by the condition of the stairs they are still sturdy and will hold our weight. Karma walked in and I closed the door after her and we made our way up the steps. Once we reached the top I heard the sound of a motorcycle approaching the prison so I looked out the window to see what was going on. Happy to see that it was just someone returning home from scavenging I turned around and took off my backpack and took out half of everything except clothes, ammunition Since I'm running low, and dog food because it belongs to karma not me. I grab the half empty backpack and called for Karma to stay close then went to find Rick.

"Rick! You ready to complete our deal?" I asked Rick when he was done talking to a man with white hair and his back facing me. The man turned around and introduced himself as Hershel Greene so I shook his hand and introduced myself and Karma to the kind man. "I'm sorry Hershel but I made a deal with Rick that needs to be completed. We will talk more later." I said smiling at the kind old man in front of me. He nodded and hobbled away on his fake leg. I turned to Rick, "Its not much but it's half of what I had on me, there is some food, 3 bottles of water, and some medicine... oh and Rick if you don't mind i left my truck about a mile away I was planning on getting it tomorrow morning if you know anyone who would like to go on a short adventure I'll have room in my truck for one more person." I exclaimed. "Well I think Carl would love the change of scenery if you don't mind taking him. He knows how to handle a gun and I see you have your own weapons." He said motioning to my gun, throwing knives, and bow. " I don't mind him tagging along, it will be nice having someone to talk to." I stated looking out at the courtyard. "You know we have another archer here if you would like to meet him tomorrow when you get back?" Rick mentioned. I just smiled and nodded my head. "I'm going to turn in for the night, if y'all need anything you know where to find me!" I called out to Rick while walking to the guard tower. I walked up the steps and Karma walked up the stairs passed me. I grabbed my sleeping bag and laid it out on the floor, I got in the sleep bag after taking my cowboy boots off and settled down after setting food and water out for karma. I laid down and let sleep consume me.

Well 2 chapters in one day ♥️ I hope y'all like them

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