Chapter 19

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You saw a sparrow flying towards you while chirping in panic. "Huh?" you asked and held out your hand as the tiny sparrow landed on your open palm. The sparrow chirped and waved it wings around, making you and Tanjiro sweat drop.

"Please! I'm begging you! There's no one else! You're all that I have!" The blonde haired boy continued to yell as you and Tanjiro listened to the sparrow. "I see! Gotcha! I'll do something about it! You stay here, (Y/N)-san!" Tanjiro exclaimed as he went towards the boy while you and the sparrow watched.

"Please help me! Please marry me! I'm begging--" the boy was cut off when Tanjiro grabbed the back of his collar and pulled him away from the girl.

"What do you think you're doing right in the middle of the road? Can't you see she wants no part of you? And don't go making trouble for your sparrow, either!" Tanjiro yelled at the boy.

"That uniform! You're that guy from Final Selection!" The boy said.

"No one I know is anything like you! I don't know you!" Tanjiro replied. "But we met, remember? We met, remember? You're the one with the problem! Like your memory!" The boy exclaimed. Tanjiro let go of the boy.

'Now that you mention it.' you thought as you remembered the blonde boy back at the Final Selection. "All right, it's been taken care of. You cam head home now without any worries." Tanjiro told the girl. "I will. Thank you very much!" The girl replied and bowed.

"Hey! Stay out of my way! That girl is going to marry me! Because she's in love with me, all rig--" the boy was cut off when he received a harsh slap from the girl. 'Ah, it left a mark!' you thought as you watched the girl continued to hit the boy.

"H-hey, calm down!" Tanjiro told the girl as he held her back from the boy who cried. "When did I ever tell you that I loved you? You were crumpled up from the side of the road looking ill, and all I did was speak to you!" The girl yelled.

"You mean you didn't reach out to me out of love because you were worried?" The boy asked. "I already have a fiance, so not on your life! With all that energy you must be fine now, right? Goodbye!" The girl exclaimed as she turned and left.

"W-wait, come back!" The boy called out as you went towards Tanjiro. "Why did you get in my way? This has nothing to do with you!" the boy said. You heard no reply from Tanjiro as you looked at him and saw him with a disgusted look.

"What's with that look on your face? Stop that! Why are you staring at me like I'm a creature or something? Hey you! You're responsible for it! Since it's your fault that I missed out on getting married! Jeez, say something!" The boy shouted as Tanjiro continued to look at him in disgust.

"Listen up! I'm going to die soon! During my next job! The thing is, I'm horribly weak, okay? I'm not kidding! You gotta protect me until I managed to get married, all right?" The boy said. "My name is Tanjiro Kamado! And she is (Y/N) (L/N)!" Tanjiro introduced.

"Is that so? My apologies! I'm Zenitsu Agatsuma! Please save me, Tanjiro, (Y/N--" Zenitsu stopped crying when he stared at you. 'Why is he staring at me? Am I that hideous?!' you thought. "Um... Are you alright? The girl earlier did give you a harsh slap." you asked.

You were shocked when Zenitsu clung onto you for dear life. "Wahhh! You were worried about me? You are such a goddess! Please, marry me!" Zenitsu exclaimed. "Oi! Let go of her! She does not want to marry you! Stop it! You're making her uncomfortable!" Tanjiro said as he tried pulled Zenitsu off of you. 'You're also making Douma-san give off an annoyed scent!' Tanjiro thought as he managed to pull Zenitsu away from you.

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