K. Nanami - Your Person

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Nanami acknowledges that he doesn't credit the world for its beauty enough.

He walks to work, taking the same route everytime, but never remembers the shops lining the road. Never remembers what bricks in the sidewalk are cracked and growing fine tendrils of grass. 

Whether there's sun, rain, or snow, he stares ahead. Maybe he just doesn't want any unnecessary detours, but he admits that he's missing out on the natural things in life.

That's why he decides to go to the party his workplace is holding. It's not as much of a party as a festival held near a park, but it's sponsored as a party to get more people interested.

Now, walking toward the location he dutifully put into his phone, he realizes that this could be a mistake.

He never made any solid work friends. Yes, he can hold a civil conversation with a group of people, but he doesn't trust in himself to enjoy it. Why would he put in the effort when he doesn't even care for it?

He turns the corner at a quaint candy shop, and sees the road open up into a decently sized parking lot. Beyond that, a big open plane of neatly cut grass is layed out, stretching into the horizon. There are clusters of cherry blossom trees, spotting the bright grass with their pink petals.

He squints, making out multiple groups of people adorning the grass. He can see a family with two rambunctious dogs, a group of middle aged men who set up a grill and were making a barbecue, and a bigger group of businessmen who he recognized from work. 

After spotting his coworkers, he sets off in their direction. He wasn't nervous, more concerned at the level of frivolity he'll be able to portray toward his peers. He almost hopes that he'll meet someone worth talking to.

The wind picks up on Nanami's back, almost urging him forward. At the gust of wind, people hold their hats and petals spin away from the trees. If he was being honest, this had to be the perfect weather for something like this. The perfect season, not too warm, light wind here and there. Hell, it even smelled like blossoming flowers and crisp sunny air.

He approaches the group of people, relieved with the introduction they give him. If they just pretended like there was no new addition, it would probably make him feel even more out of place. 

Quickly enough, he's absorbed into a conversation with two coworkers he recognizes from the offices around his. They're nice people, easy to talk to, but he can't help but drift off. The whole purpose to this endeavor was to appreciate nature, but now he's being sucked into obligatory small talk.

"Have you heard that they're going to play music?" The female coworker next to him says. She was short, hair pulled into a low ponytail behind her neck. Her finger was up, pointing toward a makeshift stage toward the center of the field. It was almost set up like a gazebo, open and full with wires and amplifiers.

"I hadn't heard." He replies.

"Well, I'm going to find a good place to listen. My family is waiting over by the grill."

He nods, bidding a polite goodbye. Music, huh. That could be enjoyable.

Deciding to follow the woman's actions, he moves toward the stage. The group preforming seems to consist of three men, two holding acoustic guitars. The third man was setting up a microphone in the center of the stage. Nanami was happy to conclude that this music would be softer, matching the theme of the day so far.

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