Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 part 1: Bellatrix Black,

It was Bella's sixth year at Hogwarts, and she was more than happy to hear that the school year was almost done. Lately she was spending a lot of time with the lestranges, mostly her boyfriend rodolphus lestrange, and probably soon to be husband once they were a bit older.

When she was over at the lestrange house she would hear a few things perking her interests like a certain man called lord Voldemort who's only goal was to have all the power in the world. 'He seems to have it right' she thought 'letting mudbloods study magic is a joke, they should rot with the rest of those stupid muggles.'

"Bella!" Called Adromeda breaking her out of her thoughts. "You have an owl from
rodolphus, I think it's an invite to go over for the summer!"
"Give me that Dromeda, you shouldn't look through other people's mail." Bellatrix said ripping the letter out from her sisters fingers.
"Oh come on Bella it's cute...that rodolphus cares this much."
"He doesn't care about me it's just about our pure blood heritage." Bella said eyeing her sister
"Bella don't think so low of yourself... rodolphus loves you in his own way."
"Marriage is not for love dromeda, it's made for keeping our blood lines alive. You need to think about marriage too just like me and cissy."
"I do think about marriage, and it's more than just common interest it's also because you love the person!" Andromeda said smiling while hugging a pillow close to herself probably day dreaming about Ted Tonks.
"Get that mud blood out of your head Andromeda you know what happens to blood traders" Bella said crossing her arms at her sister.
"He's not a mud blood Bella stop calling people that because they don't have constant wizarding blood in their veins."
"Fine think what you will dromeda but know I did warn you about the consequences." Bellatrix said walking out of the room to read her letter somewhere else.
And mostly to get away from her bubble headed sister.

As she walked closer to the owler to read the letter sent by Rodolphus, as she read over the letter it was exactly what Andy had said to her.
"Curse her for being right....I guess I better reply to Rodolphus then." Bellatrix said as she called over their family's owl and handed it over so it could be delivered.

Bellatrix was now done of Hogwarts for the summer and heading to the lestrange house for the first part of the summer vacation. Since Andromeda and Bellatrix had fought about Ted once again a few weeks ago they hadn't talked since and Bellatrix wasn't going to be talking to her sister until she got her head out of the clouds, and realized what would happen if she fell in love with that stupid mud blood.
'She knows what happens to anyone who doesn't marry a pure blood like us, so why would she dare become friends with a mud blood does she not care about us so much that she's leave all of us even me to be with him. God if she does do that I'll kill that mud blood myself.'

"Bellatrix I asked you something?" Rodolphus said impatiently.
"What was it again Rodolphus?"
"I asked what do you want to do when we get home?"
"Yeah trix!" Said a snickering Rabastan
"Shut up Stan or I'll make you myself" said an angry Bellatrix who's wand was now pointed at Rabastan.
"That's enough both of you" Rodolphus said taking Bella's arms so she'll sit back close to him and that the conflict would end between her and his brother. Because he knew both of them wouldn't stop their bickering until one of them don't talk anymore.

"How Will the two of you survive the summer." Rodolphus said rolling his eyes.
"Don't worry brother only one of us will come out of the other side." A smirking Rabastan said.
"Your finally right about something Stan." Bellatrix said with a smirking smile.
"Lay off the both of you, we're here now so get your stuff together and stop acting like children.

When the three of them got off Bellatrix saw Andromeda trying to get through the crowd to reach her, and the lestrange brothers. So she took Rodolphus's arm and they walked in the other direction leaving a confused andromeda in the dust.
"Wow trix are you wanting to get to our house already, do you have something fun planed with my brother."
"Shut it Stan..." she said giving him a death glare.
"Don't mind him Bella, he doesn't have anyone so he likes to make fun of others" Rodolphus said heading towards an a long black car.

The three wizards got in the back seat to see mr. and mrs. Lestrange seated in front of them.
"So glad you could join us Bellatrix!" Mrs. Lestrange said
"Yes....thank you for having me over." Bellatrix responsed.
"You house elf go get their bags, and then start the car." Said a stern Mr. Lestrange who's head was a behind the newest daily profit.
The elf just nodded and before too long the car started of towards the lestrange's house.

Over the next month Bellatrix didn't get up to too much at the lestrange house right away she was given to a room right beside Rodolphus's, and every night Bellatrix and the lestranges would eat dinner together but that was the most time she would spend with everyone from their family. Mostly Rodolphus, Rabastan and herself would spend the days together.
Mr. Lestrange would spend most his time in his office with a few wizards coming in and out but mostly everyone had their own thing they did, over the break.

But one day when Bellatrix went for a walk when the lestrange brothers were playing wizard Chess once again.
'I need to get away from them' Bellatrix thought she didn't know it but this day would be one she thought of time and time again.
"Watch it witch" a stern looking wizard with dark black hair, sharp looking facial features, and he kind of looked like he was only a few years older. said
"What do you mean wizard" she said crossing her arms over her chest and giving one of her signature death stares.
"I mean you almost walked into me, do you not know where your going?" He asked giving her the same death stare.
"Bella....Bellatrix where are you?" Rodolphus yelled through the house.
"Yeah come back trix, Rodolphus not as fun to pick on." Rabastan said.
"Well now I know your name." the wizard said smirking at her
"Rodolphus I'm over here...and stop yelling you idiots your house is not that big."
Both Rodolphus and Rabastan followed Bellatrix's voice and saw her standing next to their soon to be master.
"Master sorry if Bellatrix was annoying you, she has that habit" Rabastan said looking guilty
Rodolphus quickly pulled on Bellatrix's arm pulling her over to his side.
"Actually young wizards your friend Bellatrix was it....was keeping me quite entertained." A smirking Voldemort said.
"How so master?" Rodolphus asked
"By her fearlessness....we need more people like her in our ranks" he said smirking at Bellatrix
"What's your last name girl?"
"Bellatrix black" she said smiling
"And soon to be lestrange sadly" Rabastan said.
"That's an even better thing" lord Voldemort said smiling creeply
"It is?" Rabastan asked confused
"Yes someone keeping their pure blood heritage intact, and also being fearlessness is what we need right now. Come with me now all three of you!" Lord Voldemort said walking back into Mr. lestranges office.

"Lestrange...I've found three more members to join our ranks!" Said a gleaming Voldemort.
"Really who would they be?"
Voldemort steps aside showing Bellatrix, Rodolphus, and Rabastan, were standing behind him.
"Yours sons, and future daughter in law." He said smiling.

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