Ch 196: Promotion

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This morning, Lin Ye has nothing to do. Previously, he had been worried for a while that he had become infected, that is until his reports came in and dashed those worries.

Then he got to talking to Matterhorn and Pramanix for a few days. Although that process was more than a bit tedious

After all, in Lin's opinion, that thing with the royals of Kjerag was a bit like a large drama on family ethics.

Though, after being attacked twice in Lungmen, returning to Rhodes Island and working feels easy. Or was it that there just wasn't much to do, and he could relax?

His work recently has been like playing in a garden, drinking tea, and having a conversation or two.

Originally it was impossible to chat with people. After all, there were too few people like Lin Ye in Rhode Island.

After Nightingale recovered, she immediately followed Shining and Nearl into the work of the medical department. And one of Lin Ye's assistants, Ptilopsis, basically does not come to work, so most of the time it is Lin Ye who is in a daze in the office.

Fortunately, this is not the case today. After Matterhorn and Pramanix, there is another person who can chat with Lin Ye. This person is naturally Skadi.

"You told me before but just to make sure. How long will you stay on the island this time?", Lin Ye pours a cup of tea for Skadi, "Two days or three days?"

"Well, probably."

"Well, I'll be kinda sad. After you go away, I'll be the only one left in the office.", Lin Ye said half-jokingly, half-seriously, "Ptilopsis' pigeon says that she is coming to work every day, but she doesn't even show up six days a week?"


"Ugh, it's a metaphor.", Ptilopsis will definitely say she came to work tomorrow. But she may not be able to actually do that.", Lin Ye says with a smile.

Skadi is silent for a while and says, "You seem to be in a good mood?"

"You can see it.", Lin Ye smiles.

He then tells Skadi about his physical examination this morning,

He then asks Skadi, "They said that your medical data is almost the same as mine. Do you know the reason why that is?"

Skadi shakes her head.

"I don't understand these types of things.", Skadi says slowly,

"I don't need to understand, I just need to know that my body is okay. "

Lin Ye thinks a while and feels that what Skadi said was quite reasonable.

So, he didn't continue to ask questions but pulls out another topic "I suddenly felt that I was quite unlucky.


"I obviously have two assistants, but they don't come to work very often. Kinda feels lonely" Lin Ye says with a small smile.

Skadi glances at Lin Ye and says softly, "Call me up when that happens then."

"Huh?", Lin Ye didn't know what to respond, "Call you?"

"If you feel bored by yourself, just call me. I'll pick it up, just like that night.", Skadi stares at Lin Ye. Lin Ye looks at Skadi in surprise, he didn't quite understand whether she is joking or being serious.

But Skadi's expression didn't seem to be joking, but he didn't take it seriously.

"It's okay, then you just be annoyed by me with all the calls I'll make.", Lin Ye says.

"Well, even if you are annoying, I won't say no to your calls.", before he could ask what she means, he hears the speaker turning on.

"Doctor Lin Ye, please come to the personnel department."

This makes Lin Ye feel a little puzzled.

"What's the matter?" Lin Ye mutters.

He glances back at Skadi, "I need to go. Please make yourself comfortable while I'll be out."

Before Skadi could answer, Lin Ye goes out of the office.

If he would stay a bit longer, he could see a brief sign of disappointment on her face.

{Rhodes Island's Psychologist}

"Shouldn't I be getting my salary next week?"

Twenty minutes later, at the personnel department. Orchid put a heavy folder on the desk and then says to Lin Ye, "Dr. Lin Ye, after our discussion, we think that your current salary is somewhat inconsistent with your job content, so I decided to adjust it up for you. Simply put, it is to give you a salary increase."

Lin Ye is startled by this. It is his first salary!

He immediately pinches his thigh. The slight pain from the thigh made Lin Ye understand that this was not a dream, it turned out to be true.

He subconsciously wants to ask how much it rose. However, he should be humble "Is this too fast? I have only been in Rhodes Island for less than half a year. And there is not much work to do."

"Of course, we know.", Orchid nods, "You usually sleep at work."


That's the problem, Dr. Lin Ye.", Orchid says, "The salary of each operator in Rhodes Island is basically different, but in addition to internships and full-time employees, they can be roughly divided into two categories."

Orchid holds out two fingers out "One is fighting operator, who is paid by commission, and the other is researcher, who is paid by salary. You're in the researcher category, but you are doing fewer jobs as a researcher and more of a fighting operator."

"H-Hehe." Lin Ye chuckles nervously,

"I didn't mean to blame you, Dr. Lin.", Orchid shakes her head and says, "We know that you have contributed quite a lot after joining Rhodes Island. However, most of the things you have done should have been assigned to the work of the combat operators, not the researcher. On one hand, there is nothing to do in your job, and on the other hand, you have been doing jobs outside of your description. So, we think we should redefine your responsibilities and redistribute your salary. This is what we discussed with Amiya."

Lin Ye is surprised, "Do you mean to assign me to the combat operator then?"

"No. Of course not. You are not a professional combatant. We still know this very well.", Orchid says,

Lin Ye feels worried and asks, "Is my salary going to drop?"

"No, on the contrary.", Orchid says lightly, "We decided to increase you by 30%."


"That's because we really couldn't provide you with more work in this area before, but now it's different, Amiya has decided to deliver an important job to you.", Orchid pushes the heavy folder that was on the table towards Lin Ye,

"This is not a simple job. You can open it if you like.", naturally Lin Ye takes the folder and opens it. The first page is the information of an operator.

This is a female operator with silver hair and silver eyes, looks rather cool too, a scar on the left eye.

The white wolf ear is hidden in her silver hair.

Lin Ye looks at her codename, "Lappland, huh."

"Your new job is...", Orchid says, "Identifying whether some dangerous operators are eligible to stay in Rhodes Island or not."

{Rhodes Island's Psychologist}

Draft by Jaq

Proofread by Kingofkraken and d0d0b1rd

Edit by Jaq

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