Ch 198: You have to believe me

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When he came out of the personnel department, Lin Ye is still holding the files about the "problem operator" Lappland in his hands.

In fact, there is a "Problem Operator List". If he took all of the files it would have been so heavy for him to even lift them. But she did not give Lin Ye the entire list. The reason is very simple. She needs to know whether Lin Ye can do the job.

So Lappland is like a test.

At first, Lin Ye felt like he was being underestimated. After all, he had already dealt with several children, otherwise known as "problem operators", how could it be he was inexperienced?

But Orchid told him. "Nightingale, Ifrit, and Skadi are different than Lappland. Nightingale and Ifrit need you to approach them and help them solve their problems, while the Skadi is because of her special status. Whether you approach her or not, she will stay on Rhodes Island. But Lappland is different. We don't need you to solve her problem, we just need to judge whether she is really as dangerous and uncontrollable as the analysis of the medical department said she was. If so, then we will let her go. In other words, this time your position is an examiner, not a doctor." This made Lin Ye a little puzzled.

"Why? If I can help her solve her psychological problems, why not I do that?"

"We believe in your ability, Lin Ye, after all, you have proven yourself countless times since you started. But Rhodes Island is not a shelter for problem personnel and dangerous people after all, even if you can solve all of their problems, it is still not a solid plan. If you are gone one day, will all of them explode Rhodes Island like a bomb?"

Orchid stares at Lin Ye, "Can you guarantee that all the patients you have handled will remain normal in the future, especially when you are away?"

"Then Liz and Ifrit are still okay."

"Nightingale has the Shining and Nearl by her side. Ifrit has Silence and Saria by hers. Skadi was introduced directly to Rhodes Island by Kal'sit." Orchid said,

"However, Lappland is not the same. She is alone. Her background is unknown. And she has uncontrollable violence and dangerous tendencies. We don't know if she is stable or not. If the latter is confirmed, then it is impossible for her to stay in Rhodes Island. I hope you can understand this. Doctor Lin Ye."

Back in his office, Skadi is no longer there, with no clue where she went. Lin Ye subconsciously takes out his mobile phone and wanted to make a call to her, but he feels weird about doing that.

After thinking about it, he puts his mobile phone away.

After all, Skadi had the freedom to go where she wants. Anyway, she must still be on Rhodes Island.

Sitting on his office chair, Lin Ye takes out Lappland's files again and reads them carefully.

To be honest, her photo is still very badass. She looks beautiful, to be honest, and her skin tone is much fairer than ordinary people. That is, the overall beauty of her face is destroyed by the scar on the eye. But she didn't seem to care about her scars and smiled confidently at the camera.

"Just by looking at the photos, I really can't see that she is a problem." Lin Ye mutters, looking down, gently tapping his thighs,

"Lupo, Lupo... They have extremely distinctive ears," Lin Ye remembered.

Lupo are like a werewolf in his world, that is to say, Lappland is... a lone wolf?

...Incompatibility, cruel fighting methods, and violent tendency, unusually high concentration of Originium...

There is some "diagnosis" given to Lappland by the medical department, and some photos are also attached, including several scenes of battles.

Lappland uses two silver-white swords. In front of her is the enemy who has been cut into pieces. Her clothes are soaked in blood, but she doesn't care and shows cruelty to the camera. She smiled, even the end of her teeth could vaguely see flesh and blood.

He sees several photos and finds that most of these scenes are alike. Even Lin Ye feels a little uncomfortable by looking at them.

But he isn't uncomfortable with the scene. It is Lappland smiling in the bloody scene that really bothered him.

No, this is not a simple smile, but a very crazed smile.

This is completely different from her confident smile on the profile card.

Does she enjoy...killing?

Lin Ye's furrowed his brow.

This seems to be the first time he has met this kind of character.

The three 'problematic' people he had come into contact with before.

Nightingale, a girl that looks so innocent but scared to be near anyone.

Ifrit, who lacks her parents and beat him up.

Skadi, the rumor about her spread wide about how terrifying she was, didn't help how cold she acts.

Strictly speaking, these three are just awkward personalities, but they are far from being mentally ill.

So, what is the real Lappland? The confident girl or the crazed murderer?

Lin Ye thinks for a while and came up with several possibilities, but they all feel unreliable.

After all, the words on paper are far from convincing after personal contact. So, Lin Ye temporarily put away Lappland's files, thinking he should wait to see Lappland before making plans.

When putting the files in the drawer, Lin Ye suddenly thought of something.

Lupo... Isn't one of the members of Penguin Logistics employee named Texas is also a Lupo.

Both of them have a pair of very distinctive wolf ears, but one is black and the other is white.

He doesn't know if they know each other and the probability of them knowing each other is low.

However, he should ask Texas to find out.

If she does know her, it will help him a lot for knowing who Lappland is and judging her.

Lin ye silently notes that she will ask Texas in the near future.

Seeing that Skadi hadn't returned yet, Lin Ye takes out his cell phone. He sent a text message to Skadi that he is done for today. Then he left the office.

Originally, he wanted to go to the cafeteria, but there is still one thing that he didn't do today.

{Rhodes Island's Psychologist}

Lin Ye stares blank at the 2B dorm door.

Let's get this over with.

He sighs and finally knocks on the door.

The door is quickly opened.

Matterhorn looks at Lin Ye.

Lin Ye looks at Matterhorn.



The door was about to be shut but Lin Ye stop it by holding on to the door, not allowing Matterhorn to close it

"Mr. Bull! Let me explain!"

"Go away!" Matterhorn roars, "I don't know you! Also, my name is Matterhorn, not Mr. Bull!"

"Okay, Mr. Bull! No problem, Mr. Bull! Just listen to my explanation, I really did not poison your saintess!" Lin Ye shouts loudly,

"You have to believe me! Open this god damn door already and let me in!"

{Rhodes Island's Psychologist}

Draft by Jaq

Proofread by d0d0b1rd

Edit by Jaq

Rhodes Island's Psychologist Book 2Where stories live. Discover now