Fifty two

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"Your boyfriend is a wonder," Meredith said into the phone.

"Why?" Erin smiled.

"Because, since you've decided to stay at home with me until I'm back at work, he's come with you and he's been running around after me all day. I text him this morning to see what time he was coming home and if he could bring me some Thai because I'm craving it, so he brings me Thai, a ton of snacks and I think about ten different drinks. If you don't marry him, Erin Grey, I'm gonna divorce Derek and do it myself," Meredith said. Erin laughed.

"Wait a minute," she said. She pressed the intercom button for Derek's shunt surgery. "Derek," she said.

"Yeah?" Derek looked up at her.

"Jesse's been taking care of your wife and she's considering divorcing you and marrying him if I don't," Erin said. Derek laughed.

"Tell Meredith to get Jesse to propose to you, then. Do us both a favour," Derek said. Erin laughed and put the phone to her ear again.

"Derek wants me to get married to Jesse to leave you alone," she said.

"I mean, you guys love each other. Why not?" Meredith said.

"Because can you really see me walking down an aisle? If I'm gonna get married, it'll be post it part two. I'm gonna go 'cause I do have a surgery with Arizona in twenty minutes," Erin said.

"Have fun," Derek and Meredith chorused. Erin ended the call and pressed the button to mute the visitation room, leaving to go and scrub in.

"Hey, should I be offended that you haven't paged me to try and do that microscope thing?" Erin looked at Derek the next day. Derek had been presented with an inoperable tumour and had paged everyone to the skills lab to test their skills on a microscope. Jackson had won it and Lexie had been given the job of being his personal assistant, but nobody had even told Erin.

"No," Derek said.

"Then can I ask why you completely cut me out of this surgery?" Erin asked.

"Because Arizona wants you today," he said, nodding behind him. Erin turned around, seeing Arizona and Callie stood there, both with wide grins.

"So, I have a surgery for you today," she said.

"You do?" Erin asked.

"Yeah. And, as your best friend, mentor and, well, just me being me, I'm letting you run it. Your OR today. Your calls. You get to make all of the cuts, the decisions, whatever you want. It's yours. I'll supervise but it's yours," Arizona said. Erin's mouth dropped open.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Tumour removal on the adrenal gland. All yours if you want it," Arizona said. Erin's mouth dropped open even more.

"Did I mention that it was on a two day old?" Arizona smiled slightly.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. Let's go. Screw brain surgery, I want the baby," Erin gasped. Arizona laughed.

"Let's go," she said.

"Have fun!" Derek called after them, laughing with Callie.

"Oh, we will," Erin grinned widely at them before Arizona tugged her into the elevator.

"How did your surgery go? Meredith said you'd done an adrenaline gland tumour removal on a two day old baby," Jesse said. Erin grinned and pulled her t-shirt off, climbing into bed with her boyfriend.

"It was amazing. The baby is in the NICU with Arizona keeping an eye on him and he's gonna have a long, happy life," Erin said. Jesse smiled and kissed her.

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