Chapter 35: Lord Ghirahim

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Link and the four former Champions were still in the Argian Empire searching for Aryll, and they found themselves walking through the main road of Argia City.

"Anybody found a young child inside of a box?" Link was asking door to door

"I think we ought to find a list of people who recently moved here" Mipha suggested

"Good idea"

The champions headed over to a library, and inside they indeed found a list.

"Well, the most recent person to move to Argia from Hyrule was Ingo" Daruk declared

"He must've been Talon's customer" Urbosa said

"Let's go find him already" Revali muttered.

The group traveled to the address of Ingo, and knocked loudly on the door

"Hello!" Link yelled "Are you in there Ingo?" 

The tall and skinny mustached man opened the door

"Who is it?" Ingo barked 

"You took some crates and boxes from Talon before you came here, correct?" Link asked

"Uh, yeah" Ingo replied "What about it?"

"Have you opened your boxes?" Link asked

"No" Ingo said "I was just about to before you got here"

"Well, we need to inspect them" Link said "My little sister Aryll is in one of them"

Link walked inside Ingo's house, and saw a large box rolling around on the ground

"Well" Link sighed "Boxes don't typically roll around on their own"

Link opened the box, and Aryll jumped out

"Oh hylia!" she gapsed "Fresh air! I thought I was gonna be in that box forever!"

"Kids these days.." Ingo muttered "Gettin themselves into all kinda trouble"

Ingo walked away to open the rest of his boxes, as Link and the group walked out with Aryll

"Well" Mipha said "We should probably be heading back to Hyrule"

"Yeah" Urbosa agreed

"Wait" Link turned away "I hear lots of people cheering near here. Let's check it out"

"Ah great" Revali muttered, and followed the group toward the cheering

"Look!" Daruk pointed at a crowd.

The group had arrived at a stadium-like area, and on a stage the mighty Duke of Argia was sitting on his throne with several Argian Knights around him.

"I have an announcement!" the armored man of power declared "We are-" interrupted when a strange man in white with a red scarf appeared in thin air.

The man was armed with a very strong and sharp knife, and had white hair, a white face, and black eyes that gave off an evil presence

"He looks like one of those ancient Demon Lords from the legends" Daruk said

The man took out all of the Knights around the Duke within a single second, and proceeded to sever the Duke of Argia's head from his body.

As blood stained the stage and the Duke's head hit the ground, Argian citizens in the crowd began running and screaming.

"Well, that ain't good" Urbosa sighed "Even countries other than Hyrule aren't safe it seems..."

Link noticed that something was breathing coldly down his neck.

"Stop that Revali"


Link realized all of the others were in front of him.

They all turned around to see the strange white Demon Lord from before, standing behind them.

"Hello" the Demon Lord smirked "It seems some of our greatest enemies have taken a little trip to Argia."

"Who are you?" Link demanded

"I am Lord Ghirahim"

"Well then Ghirahim-"

"Wait!" Ghirahim interrupted "You will call me Lord Ghirahim. I refuse to be spoken to without my proper title of 'Lord'.

"Shut up" Link growled

"Oh?" Ghirahim smiled again "Perhaps you want me to use this knife and cause your blood to splatter on this foreign soil"

"Enough games" Urbosa declared "What are you doing here?"

"Well you see" Ghirahim began "I have existed since the days when the first hero fought the ancient evil Demise, and since then I sought to bring back Demise. When I found out about Ganon a few centuries later, I began working with each of his incarnations. I had spent the last thousand years during the Millennium of Peace, trying to bring back Ganon. But then-"

Ghirahim was interrupted as Link drew his Royal Broadsword and struck

Ghirahim dodged, drew his knife, and ran after the heroes like a mad man 


Daruk grabbed Aryll and ran away as Urbosa and Mipha did the same, and Link had to grab onto Revali as he flew away

"You will die!" Ghirahim shouted "I will kill you all in the name of the Great King of Evil, Lord-"

Argian Knights pounced at Ghirahim

"You must be Hyrulean!" one shouted "We declare war on Hyrule!"

"You fools!" Ghirahim spat as he killed one of them "The Hyruleans do not control Hyrule, the forces of evil do! We shall soon defeat our enemies and consume Hyrule, and then move on to consume the entire planet!"

Ghirahim killed the other Knights, and looked around for the heroes

"No!" he yelled "They escaped!"

Ghirahim was indeed correct, for the heroes had made a run back to the boat, and were now sailing back to the Kakariko Docks.

Later that day, the group had gotten back to the base at Lon Lon Ranch....

But some soldiers had noticed a group of five people from all different races heading in the same direct, so they were starting to become suspicious that something was going on under their noses...

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