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[scene: inside the school]

(Y/n) and Marinette was sitting on a bench together with Alya, Nino and Adrien they're talking about random nonsense when suddenly Marinette and (Y/n) stated to get a terrible headache.

Marinette: Uhh...

(Y/n): groans

Nino: are you two okay?

Adrien: I think they got a headache

Alya: We can tell you that genus.

Everyone around then looks over then runs over to them when their hear Marinette and (Y/n) scream out of pain after a minute two beams of light shot out of the screaming duo as it piece the sky, this shocked everyone. The kwami's Tikki and Plagg came out of hiding. Adrien, Alya, Nino and Chloe knows what kwami's are this surprised them see Tikki coming out of one of the two pillars of light.

Adrien/Alya/Nino/Chloe: 'Marinette is ladybug?!?'

Everyone all over Paris can see the beams of light. The guardian of the kwami's, was looking at this with a smile as the kwami's Wayzz, Trixx and Pollen was floating next to him.

Master Fu: It seems the day of awakening is among us and Your Parents return.

Master Fu knew this day was going to come it was a matter of when it will happen. The day the parents of the seven Kwami's, the first two gods return.

[meanwhile at the Agreste mansion]

Gabriel and Natalie was looking outside Hawkmoth's window to see the two pillars with their kwami's Nooroo and Duusu, while the humans don't know what this is about, the gods do.

Nooroo: 'The day of Awakening, their have returned.'

Duusu: 'Mum and Dad... Your final back'

[with (Y/n) and Marinette]

(Y/n) and Marinette was standing in the void when the both of them was having flashbacks, and memories of Abyss and Celestial, like their normal have lately, however the face's of both gods was no longer blocked to them to see that (Y/n) and Abyss are identical and Marinette and Celestial are identical, after going through all the events in Abyss and Celestial's lives, the birth of their children, raising them, loving each other, everything. Both looked behind them to see the two gods.

(Y/n): Your us.

Abyss: Indeed my reincarnation we are the same person.

Marinette: Tikki is my daughter

Celestial: Yes she is, along with Plagg, Trixx, Pollen, Wayzz, Nooroo and Duusu.

(Y/n): Me and Marinette are soul mates?

Celestial: Indeed, me and Abyss was lovers and married before we reincarnated.

The four of them begin to talk with each over as both gods answered (Y/n) and Marinette's questions. After a bit the gods seem to be nervous.

Abyss: After we merge together me and Celestial will fade into your subconscious

(Y/n): You have nothing to be nervous of.

Celestial: What do you mean?

Marinette: when we merge we are still going to the same person because you and me and (Y/n) and Abyss are the same person.

This shocked both then both smiles knowing that the two are right. Then their was a bright purple and gold light after that. Only (Y/n) and Marinette was standing there with their powers activated and all of the memories of their past life in mind.

Marinette: Let us go back we still got to save are kids of Hawkmoth

(Y/n): Right I wonder how Tikki Plagg and the other are doing.

After that the duo return to reality.

[back inside the school]

The pillars of light was now gone as everyone now looks to see Marinette and (Y/n) standing there perfectly fine, everyone was wondering what happened. Plagg and Tikki saw (Y/n) and Marinette standing together as everyone was looking at them however to the Kwami's it was not Marinette and (Y/n) standing there.

Tikki/Plagg:... m-m-mum d-d-dad?!

After both gods said this everyone except for Marinette and (Y/n) then Marinette confirmed what both gods asked.

Marinette: It's good to see you two again my sweet little ones

(Y/n): Well their not little anymore.

Marinette: Quite (Y/n) their along with are other 5 will all ways be my little ones.

This shocked everyone but Plagg and Tikki who transformed into their human forms

This shocked everyone but Plagg and Tikki who transformed into their human forms

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(A/n: don't this image)

Both the goddess of creation and god of destruction hugged their Parents (Y/n) and Marinette or their god names Abyss and Celestial

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