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Busting through the courthouse doors, I swung my head around looking for which direction to go.

"Ma'am can I help you?" The lady at the front desk asked, pushing up her glasses.

I practically sprinted up to her. The drive here had taken me almost the whole two hours. I needed to hurry and get to the room.

"Hi, yes," I spoke in a rush ,"I'm here to observe a case. The case of—" I paused, unsure if his real name had been discovered or not."

The woman raised an eyebrow, waiting.

"This villain, he has uh, purplish scars under his eyes and jaw." I rambled out, not sure if that was enough.

She gave a single nod and typed away on her computer, "Ah yes, the great villain Dabi. He has quite the audience today. Many reporters are in the stands waiting to hear the verdict." She looked me up and down, "Are you like a fangirl or something?"

I squeezed the cuffs of Dabi's hoodie, something I threw on last minute in hopes to calm me down.

I don't have time for this.

"No, I am just a university student studying law and I think this will be a great opportunity. CanYouPleaseTellMeWhereTheCourtRoomIs." I checked the clock on the wall.

It's probably starting now.

She clicked away on her computer again.

"The room is pretty full. But we can probably squeeze you in the back. It's down the left hall, court room C." She motioned in the direction.

I nodded a thank you and ran towards it. On the other side of the door I heard lots of chatter. I opened the heavy door and it was very busy.

My eyes darted to the front of the room. Neither the judge nor Dabi were there yet. I let out a quiet exhale.

Looking around the room I tried to find a spot for me to sit. All the front rows taken up by people with notepads.

I wish I could be up there so maybe he could see me, even if his back was turned to me, maybe he would know.

My eyes landed on a row with a little bit of space in the very back. I settled there, just content enough that I made it in time.

As we waited the door opened a few more times, people shuffling in and looking for seats. The seat next to me was taken by an older man also with a notepad.

How many journalists are here?

Finally, a door at the front of the room opened.

My heart sank.

There was Dabi. In an all tan suit, dressed head to toe. A foreign sight compared to his normal black. And a strange metal block contraption around his hands and a metal collar around his neck.

That must be in case he uses his fire from a different part of his body.. I want to stand I want him to see me.

He kept his head held low. Not looking at any of the reporters.

Unable to see me.

Him and his lawyer slumped into their seats on their side of the room, the prosecutor following and sitting on the opposite side. They looked completely at ease.

I held Dabi's sweater closer to my body, taking in it's scent.

Please sense I'm here. I'm here with you.

His hair was down and I noticed the scars around his arms looked drier and worse than usual. He looked a mess.

I had never had so much anxiety in my life.

Large doors behind the judge's bench opened and out walked a large man with a stack of papers. Bushy eyebrows and face serious.

Once he sat down the room got quiet. He cleared his throat and hit the bottoms of the papers on the desk, fixing them into place.

"I am Judge Lee." He looked down then back up, "Today we will be determining the punishments of the villain known as Dabi. We were never able to get ahold of his real name, neither was he willing to give it up. So we will just stick with that."

My ankles crossed then uncrossed, my finger nails digging into my thighs.

"After the trial a couple days ago," he looked to my boyfriend," we have come to the conclusion that Dabi is guilty on multiple accounts."

The judge looked down at the papers and flipped through them.

"He has committed twenty two known acts of arson. Eight robberies. Been apart of three hostage situations. Murdered four people. Attempted murders of two people. And his most recent crime was an attempted murder of a pro hero."

My throat felt a bit dry at the long list of crimes.

He put down the stack, "I don't know about you but that sounds like quite the list to me."

I could tell that Dabi's head was still hung low. At this point he was more than likely going to prison for life.

The judge looked up at the crowd, "Before I make my announcement, are there any friends or family members who would like to come up to the box and speak?"

My eyes lit up.

Maybe I can change the judges mind?! Tell everyone about Endeavor and how Dabi was treated as a child. I can change the outcome.

My legs began to rise but my arm was quickly grabbed and I was yanked back down. The old man next to me looking at me dead in the eye and shaking his head.

"Dont, ____. You know Dabi wouldn't want your face or name involved with him. It won't make a difference anyways."

At first I was angry, but then it sank in that he was right. I tilted my head, realizing he used my name.

He gave me a little grin and gave my hand a squeeze. I squeezed back.

Of course she would come.

"No one?"

I feel so guilty.

"Alright. Dabi if you would please stand." The judge requested.

Slowly, like his body was underwater, he raised, along with his lawyer.

"After hearing what the jury had to say and thinking it over, Dabi I hereby sentence you to—"

It was like the room went white. I couldn't see. Nothing was real. I couldn't feel my feet or my hands. It was like the feeling of when you're falling in a dream but can't wake up.

I need to wake up. It's just a dream.

My body was numb and my mind was blank. What I heard wasn't actually true. I think I stopped breathing too because my head felt heavy.

"—It will happen within the next month. Knowing you're involved with the League of Villains, we need to take the most precautions."

The room filled with chatter again as they speedily wrote down the verdict. No one having emotion one way or another, just a story to give them a paycheck.

How can you not care?

The judge smacked his gavel and stood, leaving the courtroom.

Dabi stood about to go back to where he came from. I bolted up from my seat, the only person standing.

From the corner of his eye he caught my movement and saw me. His face looked so pale.

Before they could take him any further, he slowed his pace and gave me a small gentle smile and nod.

As if to say thank you and goodbye.

Ride or Die | Dabi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now