Online - Arisu X Male! Reader

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Summary: Y/N and Arisu met through an online game. Y/N has feelings for Arisu but is unsure if a long distance relationship with him is a good idea.

*Y/N's POV*

Shiro: So did you tell him?!

Y/N: No! I told you I'm too fucking scared

Shiro: That's no longer an acceptable excuse mister

Shiro: Tell him today or else I'll tell him

Y/N: You wouldn't dare!! He'll think I'm weird if I have you tell him how I feel about him!

Y/N: I don't want to tell him because 1) I'm scared shitless and 2) he probably doesn't feel the same way about me so why take that risk?!

Shiro: I call bullshit on that

Shiro: He totally wants to go out with you

I looked down at the last text from Shiro and read it over and over again. Would Arisu really want to go out with me?

I don't see why he would. We met over some online game and from there, we privately messaged each other.

As we talked we both found out that we had similar interests. We both liked the same games. We both had the same sense of humor.

Only thing was, we met over the internet. Most people would say not to date anyone that you met online.

And yet, online dating was a thing. Arisu and I had never met in person and neither of us knew what each other looked like.

At this stage, looks didn't matter to me. I really liked Arisu for his personality, not his looks. My phone suddenly went off, interrupting my thoughts.

Shiro: Y/N I'm serious

Shiro: Just tell Arisu how you feel about him

Shiro: I'm positive he likes you too

Y/N: But what if he doesn't

Shiro: There is that possibly and it happens. But you have to man up and come forward about how you feel

Y/N: Okay okay

Y/N: Let me see if he's around and if he is then I'll tell him

Shiro: Finally my god

I sighed as I exited the chat with Shiro and went back to where I could see the rest of my text conversations.

I stared at Arisu's profile photo and username on my phone. His @ was just his name. So simple yet cute in a way.

The little green dot next to his profile photo told me that he was actually online or at least had the app open.

I clicked on the box at the bottom of the screen and my keyboard appeared. I typed out a couple quick words and hit send.

Y/N: Hey Arisu, hope you're doing well

A couple minutes past and still no reply. The green dot still showed clearly next to his photo.

Maybe he just didn't want to talk to me. I was just about to close the app when suddenly my phone buzzed.

Arisu: Hey Y/N! I'm doing very well. Sorry about the wait

Y/N: No no no you don't need to apologize

Arisu: You're too sweet

Y/N: I don't think so

Y/N: I think you're sweeter

Arisu: Am not

Y/N: Hey Arisu, I have something to ask you

Arisu: What's on your mind?

I took a breath as I typed out my response and pressed send. Here goes nothing I guess.

Y/N: Arisu I like you. I know it probably sounds weird due to the fact that we met through an online game along side a shit ton of other strangers. But, from the first time we talked I knew something was different about you

Y/N: You're so sweet, kind, and really funny. Hell I could go on and on. You're perfect in every way and I want nothing but the best for you. You deserve everything in this world and more.

Y/N: I want to be the one to give you the things you deserve. I want to hold you and kiss you and do all that other stupid couple's bullshit with you. I really think I might be in love with you Arisu.

Arisu: I don't know what to say

Y/N: If you don't feel the same way it's totally fine. I'd still want to be friends if that's okay

Arisu: No! I do feel the same way. I'm just speechless and in shock that you actually like me in that way

Arisu: I don't understand what could have made you develop feelings for me.

Y/N: You're such a nerd

Arisu: So are you. Guess we're nerds together

Y/N: Wonderful

Arisu: Is it bad I kinda want to kiss you rn?

Y/N: No. I kinda want to kiss you too. I'll just reach into my imaginary wallet to get some imaginary money so I can fly to Japan to kiss you.

Arisu: I'll be waiting at the airport with Karube and Chota. Text me when your flight gets in

Y/N: Arisu it was a joke

Arisu: Oops

Arisu: Well

Arisu: That wasn't very nice of you now was it

Y/N: Drama king

Arisu: Am not

Y/N: Sure sure sure



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Y/N: ..................................................................

Y/N: Can we skype?

Y/N: I need to yell at you

Arisu: Fair enough


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