chapter 15

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The moon came and went I knew it was over. I walked into the main entrance.

Knock knock knock. Some one banged on the door quickly. I opened the door to see klaus standing there with a smile on his face. He had dirt on it to. So he did break the curse. I looked over his shoulder to see Elijah standing there with a emotionless look. Guess he didn't kill him after all. That's good he didn't have to kill his brother and I didn't have to lose a friend.

"I did it. The curse is broken. I have my brother back and every thing is right in the world." Klaus went on waving his hands as he spoke.

"I see that congratulations. Why are you here?" I asked leaning my back on the door.

"Oh well I just wanted to tell my one and pretty much only friend that I have done the one thing I have always wanted to do for over a 1000 years." I got a text from caroline that klaus was going to use her and Tyler for the curse. I didn't really care about the wolf but I liked caroline. So right now I was not on the best terms with him. And he killed jenna who kills jenna. Jenna is the kind aunt that knows nothing about what is going on and only real guardian left to take care of Jeremy. In fact now that he is all alone I am going to let him move in if he wants or the boarding house what ever one he wants so he's not a lone.

"Well then I would get to it. Because one of my friends wouldn't caroline the blonde as a sacrifice. Seeing as she is one of the less annoying one in this town. And why did you have to kill Jenna. Now you left a boy alone to be left with no one because all of his family is dead. Or did you not really thing of everyone else that would be effected." I said slamming the door. I turned around and breathed in and out of my nose. I turned back opened the door. Before I could say anything.

"I am sorry for not thinking it through all the way and just acting. I am sorry for almost using caroline for the sacrifice. And killing jenna... And leaving elena's brother with no family." Klaus said with only a little bit if sorry in his voice. He never apologize to people except me because well... it's me and the minute I am mad at you you wish you hadn't. I nodded my head excepting it for now.

"Then please come in." I said standing aside.

Silas's sister (Elijah mikaelson) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now