Chapter 10

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Dean was proving to be a great friend. Our dinner had been fun and relaxing once all romantic intentions were thrown away. Dean seemed upset at first which hurt but he quickly moved on and focused on being friendly. Since our evening had started as a date, I let Dean kiss me on the cheek when he dropped me off. He had smiled as though he won the lottery. I tried to smile in return but the guilt was too much. Dean was a great guy, a gentleman and still I was pushing him away before he stood a chance. I wanted to give him a chance but I didn’t have the strength to, so instead I chose to run away from him as fast as I could. 

I blew it, I was sure. I had gone to bed that night in a solemn mood believing that I ruined any chance at a friendship and maybe a relationship with Dean. I was proven wrong though. Dean showed me once again what a great person he was when he called me the next morning. We spoke of the date the night before and how fun it was. We also spoke about the week that lie ahead and how his garage was doing. It was strange at how happy I felt when he called and even stranger at how familiar our friendship was beginning to feel.

Once Monday came around, I couldn’t stop smiling. I had a friend and it was a huge achievement for me. Dean and I were going to have lunch just to catch up though I was still confused on what there was to catch up on but, I didn’t question it. I was just happy that my calendar was filling up.

I had been so focused on Dean that I had forgotten what our Monday lecture meant. Today was the day we were to find out who our partners were. The class was buzzing with nervous energy as we waited for Mr. Thomlin. I couldn’t decide if it was brilliant or cruel that Mr. Thomlin made us wait till the end of our two hour lecture to see the list.

Kevin was in his original seat. I tried not to let it bother me but it did. I liked him, in which way I wasn’t sure yet. I was attracted to him but any female with eyes would be. He was stunning and tempting all in one. The class spilled out of their seats and quickly stormed towards the list once Mr. Thomlin had given the signal. I thought about waiting like I did the first time but my curiosity got the better of me. I shoved my things in my bag and ran down the steps towards the front of the class.

The queue stretched far and surprisingly formed a straight line. One by one students would read the page and either squeal in delight or groan in frustration. I didn’t need to wait long before it was my turn. I let my eyes scan the page and gasped. Wait... that wasn’t my gasp. I looked behind me and saw Kevin with his shining grey eyes wide open and his mouth tight.

I glared at him and crossed my arms over my chest. “You don’t need to sound quite so disgusted at the idea of working with me. I’m a top A student.”

His eyes left the page and glared at me. “I’m not disgusted.”

I scoffed, “could’ve fooled me!” I stormed away and almost lost my bag when it was suddenly yanked off my arm. I swung around ready to beat whoever it was up when I saw Kevin holding the strap of my bag. “What is your problem?”

He pulled me and my bag with him to the door and then around a corner. I was quickly pushed against a wall and his chest hit mine. I was breathing hard and I was sure my pupils had dilated. We were in a cramped corner with our heated breaths for warmth. “What are you doing?” I asked.

“Stop running away from me.” His voice was hard and turning me on even more. I could feel his chest through my hands that had somehow found rest on the strong planes of his chest.

“I’m running because I’m done with the conversation.” I replied.

“Well I’m not.” I pulled my hands off his chest and held them clenched at my sides.

“I don’t even know what this conversation is about anymore or why we’re fighting to be honest.”

“Me either.” He smirked and I found myself grinning. “Are we okay? I did apologise.”

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