9. A Heart?

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I opened the door and stepped outside the captains cabin. I saw the girls standing at the end of the deck and walked up to them with a smile. Once they saw me they waived.

"Hey, how are you?" I stood next to them.

"We're fine, how are you?" Sophia smiled.

"I'm... Fine." I sighed and looked up.

"Yeah... We heard what happened with you and Levi, but we didn't see you because of the storm. " Petra placed a hand on my shoulder. "Are you alright? Why did he do that?"

"... I'm fine now. He was just angry, what more did you expect from a pirate?"

"Are you sure you didn't do anything to annoy him? " Ymir asked with her arms crossed. "I know you and I also know these pirates after weeks of staying here, they are not exactly the type to just kill randomly."

"They kill innocents and steal from them!"

"And I also know you and you go a lot against the captain." she continued ignoring what I said. "I don't think it was only his fault."

"So it's my fault he nearly killed me?"

"I'm not saying that!" she sighed. "All I'm just saying is that when we got here you said we should accept it because there's no escaping these pirates."

"Well I'm taking it back, they are dangerous, I was stupid for thinking we could live here 'peacefully'."

"... You know," Sophia spoke softly. "I am on your side, you know that, we all are." she circled her finger showing the other two. "But... I think what Ymir is trying to say is that... You are the only one that has a problem with them. We all are... Doing, fine? " she raised her shoulders.

"What are you saying? That you prefer living in danger among killers than what our life was like before?" I can't believe this.

"Yes," Ymir said seriously and I looked at her. "(Y/N) have you forgotten what our life was like before? How many times did we come into your room only to find you bleeding out? How many of our friends died at the hands of those bastards because they didn't know when to stop?" I looked to the side and sighed. "Here we might be surrounded by killers and thieves but it's the same as before. At least this time we know them and honestly, it's better here because most of them don't even touch us." that sure surprised me.

"Wait... They don't?" they shook their heads. "But... That's what we came here for."

"I know," Petra nodded. "And that's how it was the first week but now they are just so damn tired from working on the ship to do anything. They just sing and drink and pass out."

"... Still, thinking that they've killed so many innocent people, doesn't it discuss you?"

"No." they all said. "We've been with many killers before, and I'm not just talking about the pirates that came to us." Petra continued. "We all know that even royal knights have killed innocents because they were bored. And we are not innocent ourselves. We were at the very bottom, (Y/N), at least here we have fun."

"Fun... Maybe you say this because you haven't walked the plank yet."

"(Y/N)..." Sophia placed an arm around my shoulder hugging me. "You said there is no escaping this place, we know it's true. Maybe you should start accepting them and... Try to get along."

"Tch, I don't believe this." I shook my head and turned around to go back to Levi's room.

My mind was filled with thoughts and I couldn't focus on one. It was like I was drowning in them. I'm not saying that my life was better before I came here but there I had the choice to hate those people and act on my hate. Here, I can't do that. If I accept them it means I have no problem with people that have killed innocent women, men and children. I know that's the world I live in but...

The Captain. {Levi x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now