Chapter 34- Reward

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Deku's POV
I wake up alone. The bed is cold and empty. I wonder where Kacchan is. He was so weird yesterday. Maybe he's still mad because of what I said to him. Or because I cry so much. I don't even know what was wrong. I just felt really... sad. My face feels swollen, and my eyes are all crusty.

I sit up slowly, resting my back against the headboard. I take a few deep breaths in and out, clearing my mind. It's only 6:45am. I really hope today is better than yesterday. That was too many emotions for me. I just woke up and I'm still tired from all that.

My eyes shoot open. I can smell Kacchan approaching, from somewhere down the hall. He has with him some cow meat, and dear, and something I don't recognize. I've never smelt anything so sweet. It's weird though, it smells like he's in a cow... or like he is a cow... or like they are all apart of him.

He walks in the door, carrying a large red bowl, and makes eye contact with me.

"Ah man, you're already up." He sighs, shaking his head. I tilt my head in confusion. "I... wanted to surprise you." He says shyly. I feel my heart race a bit.

"W-with what?" I ask, rubbing my eyes. He walks over, the steam from the bowl wafting in the air behind him.

"You're reward." He hands me the bowl, wrapped in a white towel, so it doesn't burn my hands. I rest it in my lap, crossing my legs under the blanket to cradle it. The bowl is full about three quarters of the way to the top, the liquid inside was viscose and dark red, easily recognizable as blood. But there were varied sized cubes of meat floating in it. Cow and dear like I smelled before, and something else too.

"What is it?" I ask, my mouth starts watering. I wanna eat it right now, but its rude not to let him explain it. And I'm curious.

"Well I was thinking, it's really tragic that you can't enjoy my cooking. I mean, I'm the best at it there is, but you can't eat normal food," He brags and I giggle, "so I wanted to try cooking something that you could eat." I feel so touched.

"Thank you, Kacchan!" I smile brightly at him. I would hug him, if I didn't have a bowl of hot soup in my lap.

"Whatever nerd." He crosses his arms, looking away from me. "You should eat it now. If you don't, the hot broth is gonna cook the meat and you won't be able to eat it." I gasp in panic, and start eagerly slurping the soup down. My eyes widen as the first bit hits my tongue. It was made of Kacchan's blood, so of course it was really sweet. It's not as thick as it usually is, and more oily too, like a real soup broth. And I can taste garlic and small onions. It's like I'm eating real soup, but I can actually taste it!

"Kashan ican tase et!" I exclaim in pure joy. I haven't tasted garlic in over ten years! This is amazing! I think the other meat is pork, I've had it before but its also pretty expensive so I don't get it often. There are so many different textures, and the sweetness of the blood, matched with thyme and rosemary, I think, makes it feel a little lighter despite the blood and meat being really heavy and rich.

Before I know it, the bowl is empty, and I'm licking it clean. I let out a huge sigh, and sink down into the bed in comfort. I feel simultaneously energized, and exhausted.

"That. Was amazing." I close my eyes ready to drift off to sleep, my stomach warm and full.

"Pfft obviously." Kacchan says.

"I could taste the garlic and onions!" I say, sitting up in my excitement.

"Oh that's what you said. And they're shallots." He corrects me.

"How did you make that!? And when?" I ask.

"Eh it's a long recipe, you don't need to know how. And I did it this morning dumbass." He takes the empty bowl and towel, and tosses them on his desk.

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