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from harry
are you busy rn?
you there

to harry
hey! what's up? 
haha yeah, free as a bird

from harry
want to go to the park or something?
cals got a girl over and i cba

to harry
like now?

from harry
meet me there in 15?

to harry
i'll show up if you're lucky

from harry
good thing i'm a lucky boy 

It had been a little over a month since Mia had moved to London and she was beating herself up for ever doubting herself. Within her first three weeks in the city she already had a solid friend group, her work was going well, and she felt like she was truly thriving. 

Mia grabbed a light jacket and threw it on over what she was wearing, considering it was already 7 and getting chilly as the sun was getting ready to set. It was the middle of September, meaning that the summer weather that had taken over London for the past few months was gradually coming to an end- with no more than 2 weeks of it remaining. 

After grabbing her phone and shoving it into her pocket, she locked up her flat and headed towards the lift to head down so she could meet Harry at the park. It had become a tradition of theirs over the last few weeks- Cal would have a girl over, Harry would text Mia, and they would meet each other to go for a walk in the park. And by a walk in the park they meant meeting at the park and then walking to the pub that was around the corner so they could have some drinks. 

Some days it was spontaneous, like today. Harry would send Mia a message to see if she was free and they would meet at the park that happened to be right in-between both of their flats. A 7 minute walk from either direction.

Other days, they would arrange it in advance. They would go every Monday and Thursday because those were the days that the pub had happy hour. Not that Harry needed the discount, but he loved a good steal regardless. Sometimes their friends would join them, if Cal was free or if Josh and Freya wanted to come they would make it a group thing. Even Vik, Ethan,Talia and Simon tagged along this past Monday. But the only two that had gone every Monday and Thursday during the past month, practically religiously, was Harry and Mia.

As she walked through the park and towards the fountain in the middle, their little meeting spot, she shivered slightly at the breeze that just came her way. She saw Harry standing there, his back towards her, looking down at his phone. She grinned slightly to herself and started to pick up her pace slightly. She did a little run up towards him so she could throw herself onto his back without fully jumping on it, letting out a small squeal as her body made contact with his.

"Jesus Christ, Mia. Do you want to send me to an early grave or what?" He said once he finally regained his posture, shaking his head at the girl in front of him. 

She gave him a smile as she straightened herself out, "Don't worry, we'll put something nice on your headstone, mate." 

He just shook his head before shoving his phone in the front pocket of his jeans. 

"Well," He sighed, "we better get going. There's a pint with my name on it."

With that they headed towards the pub that was around the corner, talking about their days and what not as they walked. The pub was usually not too packed, considering they only went in the middle of the week. Usually on Friday nights or during the weekends, they were out with their friends. So they had never gotten a chance to see the pub at its peak capacity, not that they minded. Whenever it was practically empty, as it always was, they felt more at ease. They felt like they were in their own little world- whether it be just the two of them or if their friends would come as well. 

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