Chapter 28 {Enough Is Enough}

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"And we got nothing..." Our dear blonde heiress groaned flopping onto her bed in complete and utter distress. She gritted her teeth while hiding her face in her palms. They have spent the whole day even with extra help from the others, searching for anyone that has even the slightest similarity with their lost friend.

Though she wasn't the only one feeling that way. Her friends also fall into the pit of hopelessness. "Even with Prince Colin's help, we still couldn't find Keon.." Erina frowned, her lips trembled and her emerald eyes glistened with unshed tears.

" be honest, we were putting ourselves to disappointment," Kathryn said, clutching her fists. "We had only assumed Keon would be in Anatasial...heck she's probably wasn't reincarnated like us..." her nails were digging into her palms.

"Maybe that's a good thing..." Yumi said, lifting her head from her arms. They all only looked at her in surprise. The pinkette girl sadly smiled, "maybe Keon managed to live a long and happy life. Perhaps that's why she wasn't reincarnated...she had lived rather than die from a horrible incident."

Yumi's words actually held some truth. They were quick to assume that Keon had died in their past life and she would be reincarnated in this world like the rest of them. Who knows where could their friend be. Even when they reunited, it was out of pure chance.

Though not all of them took it with an open heart. "Then do you just want to stop? Just like that?" Cynthia raised from the bed. Her sapphire blue eyes darkened at the thought. "Sure coincidence can happen but the chance for all three of you to be reincarnated in the very same game I had once played?" She snorted. "I don't think that's just plain coincidence."

Kathryn only furrowed her brows at the blonde girl. "Then what else do you want us to do? We can't scout this whole world for Keon!" She slammed her palm onto a table. "It's possible Yumi's right. Maybe Keon wasn't reincarnated in the first place. Maybe this whole search is pointless?!" She gritted her teeth with anger flared brightly in her golden eyes. They all were disappointed, even after all the searching despite the great help from Prince Colin, they still got absolutely nothing.

"But what if she was actually reincarnated huh?!" Cynthia was now on her feet, getting real close to Kathryn's face with such aggression. "What if she's suffering somewhere and we do absolutely nothing?! How about that, huh?!"

The two girls were so close to talking with their fists rather than with words if it weren't for Yumi and Erina holding them back. Yumi was holding Kathyrn by the shoulders while Erina, who was stronger was keeping Cynthia at bay.

"Stop it!" Erina cried out. "Why do you two always have to resort to fights?! We can never solve these issues if we are in conflict ourselves!" She tightened her grip on Cynthia.

"Cause you guys just wanna stop finding Keon!" Cynthia growled, struggling.

"Well, you're not listening to reason! How do you expect us to find someone who probably doesn't exist in this goddamn world?!" Kathryn rebutted back.

"I don't know but we can't just do nothing!" The blonde heiress cried out as tears leaked from her eyes. "Call me stupid, I don't fucking care. Call me selfish, I don't even care anymore but I'm not gonna stand idly by while Keon could be somewhere out there and I don't even know the hell if she's d-doing fine!" She shouted as more tears fall down her cheeks. The rest of them was completely taken back. Not because of her words but the fact that their friend is actually crying. They haven't remembered the last time they had seen her cry even back in their past life. "I...won't..."

The Ivan girl had calmed down a little from her rage, seeing the blonde girl cry. "...Cynthia, you can't possibly even know if Keon is in danger or anything." Kathryn sighed, still trying to convince their stubborn friend. Yet the girl wouldn't budge. She only wiped her tears aggressively and forced out a laugh.

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