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"I'll see you tomorrow. Have a good night." You say to your last patient you had to check up on and walk out the room.

Handing the chart to the nurse, you walk towards the elevator and get in to go down to the 1st floor.

You haven't told Spencer what happened with John and you want to let him know, but you're not sure how he'll react to it. Obviously he's gonna be mad, but he also is an FBI agent, so...

Once you got to the 1st floor, you walked away towards the break room and grabbed all your things and left.

You walked out of the hospital and headed to your car and drove back home.

When you got home you did what you do every time you get back from the hospital. Shower, skin care, make something to eat, watch tv, and call Spencer. If he's awake.

'Hi baby. I miss you.' You hear Spencer say and you know that he has a smile on his face.
'Hi babe. I miss you too. Only two more days till I get to see you again.'
'Only 48 hours 15 minutes and 44 seconds till I get to see you.' He says and you get up from your couch and go into your room.
'You know that there is this thing called FaceTime. Right?' You tell him as you lay down in bed.
'Yes I know what that is.' And as soon as you said that, an incoming FaceTime call from Spencer comes through.

You answer the call and you see your handsome boyfriends face. The light of the phone is illuminating his perfect face and his chiseled jawline.

'Why didn't I think of this before? We could have been able to see each other.' Spencer says as he brings a hand to run over his face.
'You let out a small laugh and say, 'Its ok, I feel like if called you when I got off from work, I'd either wake you or you'd be already getting ready to go to sleep.'
'Baby I don't care what time it is, I've told you before I will talk no matter what. Remember?'
'Yes I remember. You told me that after we had sex on your couch. Our second date.' You say with a giggle leaving your lips.
'Mhm one of my favorite days if you ask me. So, how are you are doing?' He says with a smirk.
'I'm doing ok. I've been working a lot to keep my mind off of things. When I get home I do the same thing everyday. How's LA though?'
'It's ok. It's been raining these past few days and it actually gets cold at night. But what do you need to keep off your mind?'
'I have to think of other things, so I don't miss you too much.' You say honestly with a smile on your face and you see Spencer flash you a smile.
'I miss you too. Look I got to go. I really want to talk more but I have a meeting at 8. I'll see you in a few days.' Spencer says and you can see his smile disappear as he tells you he has to go.
'Ok I don't want to keep you up. I'll text you tomorrow.'
'Alright good night baby. You get some sleep too I can tell you're tired.' He says flashing you a smile.
'I will. Good night babe.'

I Want It All | Spencer Reid x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now