28- turquoise

424 23 80

"I don't care if you fall off your broom as long as you catch the Snitch first." 
― unknown writer of HP franchise


"So, who are you going to support?"

Elaine looked up from her arithmancy homework to meet the expectant faces of Marlene and James, the latter falling down in the free spot next to her while Marlene took seat in her almost personal armchair, scooting around for a few seconds before finding a position that seemed acceptable to her.

"Is neither an acceptable answer?", the French asked, a slight hint of annoyance in her tone since she had heard the same question for the entirety of the week.

"It's cousin or boyfriend, so I find it understandable", Mary shrugged, having stayed quiet for the last few minutes as she too was invested in homework, her runes tables spread on the table before them.

"Yeah, but it's also Slytherin", James argued, pronouncing the house as if it was a curse word.

"James, we both know that there are also great people in Slytherin and that neither house winning is ultimately good for us, since we still have to play both of them", Elaine told her friend absently, silently cursing herself for having elected a subject consisting nearly completely of numbers.

"Well, are you going to come down to watch the game at least?", James asked her, deliberately ignoring her words.

Elaine sighed, sending a pleading look to the girl next to her, though Mary only shrugged. "Both of them would be mad at you for missing the game", the Gryffindor told her, causing Elaine to groan and throw her head against the comforter. "I hate quidditch", she mumbled, a statement that made both Marlene and James gasp in shock.

"Elaine Sauveur, you take that back right now!", the marauder exclaimed scandalized, looking like he was at the brink of a heart attack.

"I'll wish both of them luck and say I'm rooting for them, it's not like they talk to each other", Elaine finally decided, stretching out her tongue at James who was clearly still waiting for an explanation.

Marlene only snorted at Elaine's decision, though she did get up from the armchair and looked expectantly at her friends. "We should get going, or the game will be over before we get there", she told them, bouncing on her toes in anticipation.

Elaine sighed. If she was honest, there was no place she would rather not go than the quidditch stadium, seeing as she wasn't in the slightest mood to feel bad for cheering on either her cousin or boyfriend, both of whom would be gracing the pitch in few minutes, battling out the highly expected quidditch match between Ravenclaw and Slytherin, being also the last match of the year 1976.

"At least take part in our betting pool", James tried to convince Elaine, holding out his hand in an attempt of getting the girl to stand up from the couch, though she only snorted before tidying up all of her stuff and sending it off flying up the stairs to the girls' dorm.

"Who's betting on whom?", the Blonde asked interested, securing her hair in a bun loosely held together by her wand. Marlene and James shared a conspiring look, moving slightly closer to Elaine. "So, Marls has 5 galleons on Ravenclaw winning and them catching the snitch, but I know that Slytherin is not going to be playing fair, so I bet 10 galleons on them knocking out at least two Ravenclaw players, meaning they'll win after like 5 hours or something"

Elaine's eyebrows shot up at both of her friends' opinions. "They'll tie until one catches the snitch. Both teams are around the same strength, so it will be hard for whoever loses. I say Baby Black catches the snitch"

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